Sunday, September 11, 2011

Life, it’s always full of unfairness…

11 September 2011

On 30 August 2011, I’m being scolded for nothing, loss of dignity, self-esteem, sense of worth, while full of sense of humiliation. You probably don’t notice how this day affected my life, and my point of view toward you and the society. On this day, you’ve totally lost my respect. You don’t earn my respect. Monkey see and monkey do, why you scolded me while you are the one who started and always do those kind of things (it’s not a big deal, just do not want to specifically mention it here).

I cried, on this day. The mighty staff sergeant, collapsed. Though, I’m not as strong as I think I was. My master shifu, Mark persuaded, encouraged and gave me the confidence, which I’ll never get it from anybody else in the society. Thanks to him, I’m able to stand strong facing these craps. ‘We adjourned as teammates, but continues as friends’ he said.


I cried over it, I don’t satisfy with what you have done toward me. You don’t even remember what you’ve done in the year 2010, during WRCD. Let me remind you, remember the morning of the rehearsal day, you called me “xXxXxX” over the walkie-talkie and everyone is hearing it. Imagine what I felt that time, being embarrass in front of all, have to act like nothing but a happy feet. You don’t even care my feeling, why should I care about yours. I’ve got your back, who’s got mine?

Well, I guess it is time for us to adjourn. I better leave this sad, depressing, heartbreaking place before getting any unwanted scolding.

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