Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hari Raya Open House for DKA

11 September 2011

I went to my friend’s open house today. For the first time in my life, I felt the Raya festive season.


My fellows D.I.C.E, it means a lot to spend three years studying together. All of us had gone through a lot of experience, sweet, happiness, sour, rough time. In this period, I gained a group of besties, especially 4themost. It’s an unforgettable moment, studying in the same class, copy pasted assignment, struggles for final exam, playing sport, outing and recently open house. All of these will be kept in my deepest memory.

We’ll be graduating soon, very soon that we don’t realize it’s been three years. So, bear in mind that whatever happen in the future, we must keep in touch in whatever ways.


I <3 DKA!

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