Monday, September 19, 2011

Cameraman, a pitiful job!

19 September 2011

Once again, I’m being a fool today. Being a camera man for them, realizing that I’m not part of them (it’s not the first time I’m being abandoned and I just have to act nothing happened but a happy feet, I’ve used to it), it feels suck!


Actually, I don’t mind being a cameraman, there’s nothing wrong holding the camera and capturing other. But there’s a problem here, I don’t get any credit for showing up at your show, instead being neglect by you and your gang. So, this is what I got for travelling all the way from my house to KK, this is what I got?!

What the heck, there’s no more way I’m gonna do that again, not even if you beg me. Seriously, who the hell will gonna do that for you? You are too obvious in favouritism! Nope, I’m done here. I’ll just have to be patient until 17 October. Oh God, give me the strength and patient to go through these hard time, give me the faith and wise that I needed before my anger explode furthermore. Amen…

“Not being valued or appreciate, better quit up early before getting anymore lame ass scolding and mumbling”

Nice quote huh?!

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