Sunday, September 11, 2011

The legion’s return… Haha…

11 September 2011

It’s been a weeks, since my shifu went back for his study.

According to his description -

“Went out with my dad, scaled mountains, tried the hottest steamboat soup, laughed off Final 5, worked on Louise 2, visited Texas, SushiTei, PartyPlay and a coffee shop that feels like a bank, makan kuih bola for 5 days of girls volleyball duty, talked crap at Tg. Aru and Saifuddin's Raya OH, rebooted Badminton, koyak habis with volleyball, prelude to end-year XPDC, found out that cows go to prison, saw giants, monsters, midgets and sleeping captains, finally explored Karamunsing Capital, finally got my KitChaiPing, continued the Alat Kebesaran tradition and got 4 kids, all in 10 days. Good times. Thanks for reminding me that I still have a family to return to.”

Have a lot of fun, especially when I’m down because of those “People who doesn’t care about other’s feeling”. It is the most happiest time spent together with red crescent buddy.

He ever asked me, what make me stay in the society while crappy things happens. Well, I got my answer after searching and looking for it. It’s not because I’m idiot (somehow still I’m an idiot for staying). The answer toward this question is simple, because I enjoy the process of working together, especially with the one who inspired me. I enjoy duty with them (only apply to specific people), the process and everything. I enjoy duty with shifu, he is the one who always encourages and uplifted my morale.

We’ll always adjourn after duty and sort of things, but remain as friends afterward. Thanks for everything…!


Went to beach and have some chit-chat.


Followed by testing for tough XPDC route.


Dinner together.


Gerigitan for volleyball.




Not to forget the Majlis penyerahan alat kebesaran.

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