Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dare to fail!

27 September 2011

I started to read books recently, it is amazing! Well, I’m not a bookworm, I don’t even like to read. But somehow, someone inspired me to read, he is my Master Shifu (it all started when he showed me his final year thesis and said to me that he actually read a lot of books and understand it). It amazed me on how he able to finish the entire thesis by his own word. It is by reading, he said.


Reading, is the source of inspiration, it is the only way to get more knowledge. For the first time in my life, I actually read the entire book( imagine how thick it is). It is a good ( i mean GREAT) book of inspiration, giving me the new definition of failure. There’s always quote saying that we must go through failure before we can really be success. It is so true, and the examples of people who failed and standing up again, making me “whoa”! It teaches me how to fail, and standing up again.

I often felt like a failure, and I often failed in making a good decision. But somehow, I believe everything happens for a reason, and probably God have something greater for me.~~Amen

“When a true samurai goes into battle, he is prepared for death but more often than not it is the opponent who meets death.”

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