Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blood Donation….We love, care and give!

24 September 2011

I have been waiting for this donation for so long( I mean since the day they announce on the news, I quickly mark down the date into my calendar so that I won’t forget the exact date for the donation). I came as early as 10 am, but it seem like a lot more is earlier than me….


Here is how it looks like when I’m arrive…. Crowded with people…!


Came here with my buddy, Farina (leave for her dinner), Fit3, and Pikachu!


Let’s talked about the process of blood testing. I tested twice actually, first I was rejected because of low haemoglobin in my blood. I’m so frustrated as I wanted so much for the goodies bag(seems like selling my blood rather than donating it,haha!). Then I go and have a set of McValue lunch, and returned for the second attempt! I made it for the blood test this time, but not for my blood pressure, again, I was told to walk (run and jump around) for a while. Damn, WTH my blood pressure was only 100/60, so damn low! After a while i went back for the second pressure test, I made it with 120/80! Haha…


I’m A type, what about yours?


Cheering during transfusion SmilePhoto1309

The banner of the campaign. Probably will be my last blood donation at Sabah.


Received goodies bag. But I suppose to get a McD voucher and a tuna bread, due to out of stock, I’m given 2 pocket tissues to replace the bread… Crying faceOuhh, my McD! Haha!


Another collection of certificate…. Ngeh3…

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