Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Poli?

23 January 2009

It's been two weeks since I register myself as a Politeknik student of Politteknik Kota Kinabalu. How can I express myself...?! Regret? Grateful?

To be frankly, it's been so hard for me to face all of my friends at Poli which enrolled during the July 2008 intake as now they have become my senior. Even some of them keep questioning why that I come back here.. Why? I can only tell that it's because there is problem with my scholarship and also the poor college management.

Now, I have chosen to come back. I do not know whether I can be the best or not ,but I will try my best in my study, as one of my friend, Mark told me. I can say that he is my Greatest Sifu and master as he would advice me and "reload" my morale when I felt totally like a loser.

I met few Chinese friends which turns into a very good buddy for me. I really thank God that hears my prayers and respond me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss tat time too girl...muahh

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