Sunday, February 28, 2010

Life in Campus…

27 February 2010

It's hard for me to describe it, as it is full of sorrow and happiness.

First, let's talk about hostel. I'm glad having chances to stay in the hostel for two semesters (currently staying outside). Hostel life really fun, cool and full of excitement as I have gone through moment where bunch of lazy monkeys staying in a room to chitchat, watch horror movies and drama, having dinner together, going to library together, "Assignmenting" together, gone through sleepless night and etc. At that time, I learned how to play tennis, Rubik cube (mirror, 2x2, 3x3), friendship, fearsome, organizing time. For me, it is the best way of showing how campus life is. For those who get to stay in hostel, please show your appreciation of being the chosen one.

Next, it's all about campus surrounding and lecture. Okay, the surrounding of my campus is okay(can't say good as there is a building which going to collapse, and we are surround by factories produce tonnes of toxic and unfiltered smoke), other than that everything is fine for me. Which there is a free Wi-Fi library contain some useful books (unlike the other libraries with non-sense book), air conditioned lecture hall, clean lecture room, cheap and OK TO EAT food, huge landscape (which you can run and jump around like monkey).

The only problem I had now is with the lecturer who always said the sentence JANGAN BANDINGKAN KAMU DENGAN PENSYARAH. I really don't understand why they kept saying the same word as minority of them (I said MINORITY) are "not very Good"(can't write too harsh). Some of them even talks nonsense in the class, then what for the class being held? Nowadays Polytechnic converted to English teaching, but pity the lecturer stubbornly teaches in Malay. Module which converted to English has to convert back to Malay. Is this the standard that Malaysian government always wanted? Remembered back in second semester, I asked a lecturer (at geotechnic lab) few questions regarding to the experiment, and the consequences, to be complained by the lecturer. Okay, enough. Later I probably being face trouble being charged by the ACT 174 which I really don't want it to be happened on me. However, there is always a good lecturer in an institutional (Which really expert in teaching, great at field work and understanding). Example? Dxlmxn, Jxm, Sxzainnix, Azxlxh, Azxrxh, Chxng Yxn Kxxng and etc.

Conclusion, the upgrade in polytechnic has to be done in both criteria, which physically and mentally. If the mind didn't open wide, it is useless to have outrageous appearances with a brainless intellect.

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