Friday, February 26, 2010

Play Me…

25 February 2010

Recently I found a blog from my old schoolmate with title of Play Me (I guess he knows who I am talking about)! Yes, it's his blog! Why I intentionally mentioned this blog, it's because I am JEALOUS! Yeah, I'm really jealous his achievement in his U. Then the things pop up after jealous is why I don't do well in my SPM? I keep questioning myself why I don't put my effort and everything during my high school? If (I said if) I work hard on that time, I probably study in the same U with him as a scholar holder as well. Having future as bright as the sun (proverb I created), no worries of having no pennies, and importantly being in a higher standard U, enjoying more conducive campus life (better that my current campus). Looks like I can never chase his standard anymore, and I can only be an old-fashioned Kampung Girl. If only time can be rewind, I'm willing to go back. If there is a time machine, I'm willing to give whatever it takes to have it. If only…

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