Friday, February 26, 2010

Perayaan Hari Palang Merah Sedunia 2009

7 June 2009
Yesterday, there was an event held at SJK Chung Hwa Likas which is Perayaan Hari Palang Merah for KK branch. It was the memorable day for me, as I met few of my old buddy and officer. I was given the post as the Ketua Padang on that day and I'm wearing one crown (just showing only, not true de).

Remembered back during the previous day where I have been scolded by Tuan Lo Nam Yee in front of the members. But for me, this doesn't weaken my spirit in continuing my journey in Red Crescent. Besides, it helps me grown wise.

I was in Form 2 when I first joined the Red Crescent Activities which is the Jurulatih Kawad Camp, and surprisely I was promoted to UP Corporal cum Asst. Jurulatih Kawad. This really excites me, for me nothing is greater than my talent is finally recognized! Then there is the beginning of my journey in RC. Being promoted and promoted, and finally I achieved the highest rank in Youth, which is Ketua Utama Seksyen a.k.a. Staf Sarjan during Form 4. So, here I am now, a recognized leader (which I called myself,haha…). I used to use the word LEADER LEAD BY EXAMPLE to motivates the other members, and now it's IF I CAN DO IT, SO DO YOU! Why? I have to admit that I'm not very strong as I suffered from serious asthmatic problem since I was a kid, the spirit and morale inside me that keep me going through all the obstacles. So, if I can do it, so do you

Am I right?!

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