Friday, February 26, 2010

How do I look in dress?

25 February 2010
Well, it's happened few months ago. My friend and I went to a function or event organize by Parti Keadilan Rakyat, and our job, is to be at the front desk record people came(or some other thing for example, eating, haha).

I went to Nancy's house and let them to dress me up. Vanessa a.k.a the Pig borrowed a few dress from her friends for me to try out. Kinda thank her for her kindness though.

Come to the food, it's not really delicious, but still we ate all of the food served (which 6 of us ate dishes for 10 person).

Conclusion, wearing a dress doesn't really felt as worse as I thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ow...girl..u r in dress..tat s suprising me..bcaz i never see b4..huhu..

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