Friday, February 26, 2010

4 The Most!

23 February 2010

Finally, I have my own GanG! Which we named our team as 4 The Most as it consist 4 of the most….

For the most tallest and richest -----Farina Ina

For the most "Nerdest" and cleverest (saja) ----- Loh de Legacy

For the most Cutes(which she claim herself to be) and Artistic(SENIest) ----- Echa Sulisah

For the most Shortest and Nimblest ------ Ninah Kecik

Really happy to have them as my friends, as we have gone through many quarrels, misunderstanding…

Remembered the most touching, craziest, clueless thing that we have done together.
Hopefully our friendship will last forever! I loves you guys! And never forget that we are 4 THE MOST!

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