Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rubik Cube Addiction!

28 February 2010

Yeah, I'm gonna write down how I learned this" little square mechanism thing".

It all started in hostel, where my friend (her name is Fizut) started to play it in her room. Then she asks if I know anything about Rubik. I said I know nothing, and then she gave me an Youtube video (the most famous one) and lend me her cube for a night.

I actually learned it in just two hours of continuing playing the video (I know it's kinda stupid, I know). After learned the technique, I'm actually trying for 2x2 and Mirror. Then I 'beg' for my brother to buy me a cube. Well, now I can proudly admitted that I'm a pro (Humble is not my style). Haha… Finally I mastered a game skill as I'm a nerd in any kind of game.

My Financial Support a.k.a 我的摇钱树(Just a gag)

28 February 2010

Without her, I'm probably lost years ago. Without her, I'd never get the second chance in my life (it's true). Without her, I'm probably can't further my study. She is my aunt, my financial support, my supplement of cash.

Few years ago, my dad left us, in silence. Nobody is willing to support me, but she did. She helped me go through my hard time, blur time. She didn't give up hope on me instead keep supporting me in whatever decision I made.

There are so many things great about her, which I can't describe in here. I really grateful to have her as my aunt!

At this time, I promised myself to repay her one day.

Life in Campus…

27 February 2010

It's hard for me to describe it, as it is full of sorrow and happiness.

First, let's talk about hostel. I'm glad having chances to stay in the hostel for two semesters (currently staying outside). Hostel life really fun, cool and full of excitement as I have gone through moment where bunch of lazy monkeys staying in a room to chitchat, watch horror movies and drama, having dinner together, going to library together, "Assignmenting" together, gone through sleepless night and etc. At that time, I learned how to play tennis, Rubik cube (mirror, 2x2, 3x3), friendship, fearsome, organizing time. For me, it is the best way of showing how campus life is. For those who get to stay in hostel, please show your appreciation of being the chosen one.

Next, it's all about campus surrounding and lecture. Okay, the surrounding of my campus is okay(can't say good as there is a building which going to collapse, and we are surround by factories produce tonnes of toxic and unfiltered smoke), other than that everything is fine for me. Which there is a free Wi-Fi library contain some useful books (unlike the other libraries with non-sense book), air conditioned lecture hall, clean lecture room, cheap and OK TO EAT food, huge landscape (which you can run and jump around like monkey).

The only problem I had now is with the lecturer who always said the sentence JANGAN BANDINGKAN KAMU DENGAN PENSYARAH. I really don't understand why they kept saying the same word as minority of them (I said MINORITY) are "not very Good"(can't write too harsh). Some of them even talks nonsense in the class, then what for the class being held? Nowadays Polytechnic converted to English teaching, but pity the lecturer stubbornly teaches in Malay. Module which converted to English has to convert back to Malay. Is this the standard that Malaysian government always wanted? Remembered back in second semester, I asked a lecturer (at geotechnic lab) few questions regarding to the experiment, and the consequences, to be complained by the lecturer. Okay, enough. Later I probably being face trouble being charged by the ACT 174 which I really don't want it to be happened on me. However, there is always a good lecturer in an institutional (Which really expert in teaching, great at field work and understanding). Example? Dxlmxn, Jxm, Sxzainnix, Azxlxh, Azxrxh, Chxng Yxn Kxxng and etc.

Conclusion, the upgrade in polytechnic has to be done in both criteria, which physically and mentally. If the mind didn't open wide, it is useless to have outrageous appearances with a brainless intellect.

Moving to new homey!!!

27 February 2010

A very good news for me, we are moving to our new home at Penampang! Although it is very far, but living in a more conducive environment is better than living with a bunch of rats (I mean it, its rat, not mouse!). After being calculated by Feng Shui Analyst, we confirmed to move on 8 March 2010, which I can't wait anymore!

Well, talking about the new home (which belongs to my brother) located nearby SMK Bahang, Penampang named Putri Bahang Apartment. It is a 2-room "Pigeon Hole" space, comply with a toilet, kitchen like others house would have it. My brother and I planned to design to space in Contemporary Design with some special thing (for example a Murphy's Dining Table, Partition separates the dining and living room, a contrasted wall colour, modern lightning) and I actually planned to do a DIY oil painting for the wall in the living room (I'll post it up if I successfully done it). Hope that everything is going as smooth as the silk (again, proverb I created).

Truly, it's really reluctant to leave my current home (even though it is full of rat, woodenly made with 51 years of history), but it is strategically located in the centre of town. If only our location is not include in the development blueprint, I think I'm gonna demolish my current house and build my own dream house (which designed by myself). Besides, there must be feeling of sorrow as I have live there for almost 10++ years! I'm wondering what we can do for the antique mansion (place which we gather during CNY). It's future, and I'm looking forward for changes.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

STPM Result!

27 February 2010

Yeah, the result is came out on 25 February 2010. And it is none of my business too. Just a review for the top scorer. Surprisely, I saw one of my Primary school classmates there. His name is Hii Sing Kiet, I'd probably forget about him if he weren't on the news. Haha… Well, I had to admit that things really changed tremendously. Meanwhile none of my GENIUS friend shown on the news(which I expected few of them). Again, i'm wondering what would happened if I choose Form 6. Terrible consequence? Okay, let's just stop thinking of that. Last but not least, supreme wishes for those who make it and didn't make it. For the sake of our future, Cheers!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Play Me…

25 February 2010

Recently I found a blog from my old schoolmate with title of Play Me (I guess he knows who I am talking about)! Yes, it's his blog! Why I intentionally mentioned this blog, it's because I am JEALOUS! Yeah, I'm really jealous his achievement in his U. Then the things pop up after jealous is why I don't do well in my SPM? I keep questioning myself why I don't put my effort and everything during my high school? If (I said if) I work hard on that time, I probably study in the same U with him as a scholar holder as well. Having future as bright as the sun (proverb I created), no worries of having no pennies, and importantly being in a higher standard U, enjoying more conducive campus life (better that my current campus). Looks like I can never chase his standard anymore, and I can only be an old-fashioned Kampung Girl. If only time can be rewind, I'm willing to go back. If there is a time machine, I'm willing to give whatever it takes to have it. If only…

How do I look in dress?

25 February 2010
Well, it's happened few months ago. My friend and I went to a function or event organize by Parti Keadilan Rakyat, and our job, is to be at the front desk record people came(or some other thing for example, eating, haha).

I went to Nancy's house and let them to dress me up. Vanessa a.k.a the Pig borrowed a few dress from her friends for me to try out. Kinda thank her for her kindness though.

Come to the food, it's not really delicious, but still we ate all of the food served (which 6 of us ate dishes for 10 person).

Conclusion, wearing a dress doesn't really felt as worse as I thought.




4 The Most!

23 February 2010

Finally, I have my own GanG! Which we named our team as 4 The Most as it consist 4 of the most….

For the most tallest and richest -----Farina Ina

For the most "Nerdest" and cleverest (saja) ----- Loh de Legacy

For the most Cutes(which she claim herself to be) and Artistic(SENIest) ----- Echa Sulisah

For the most Shortest and Nimblest ------ Ninah Kecik

Really happy to have them as my friends, as we have gone through many quarrels, misunderstanding…

Remembered the most touching, craziest, clueless thing that we have done together.
Hopefully our friendship will last forever! I loves you guys! And never forget that we are 4 THE MOST!

My academic result in polytechnic.

23 February 2010

Its my third semester studying here. Well, looks like time passed by as fast as lightning. I have learned a lot throughout the year, gone through sweet and sour, struggle for exam, even meet a bunch of true friend here.

Okay, back to my study. I sat the exam for 2 semesters. I was aiming to get CGPA 4.00 throughout my study here, which spoiled by my recent result(kinda disappointed)I think I have to blame myself for this as I don't put my effort in my study. Well, hopefully in the future will maintain my result until the end of my year being a student.
Here's my result: ( just a joke for the 2nd semester result)

Say what? Say ZOOooo!

15 June 2009
Today my brother, SingYee, mom and I went to Lokkawi Wildlife Centre (which for the very 1st time for us). We saw real tiger, elephant, orang-utan, bayau, rhino, leopard, deer, otter, and many more. There is an animal show at 3:30pm at the theatre. I finally have the chance to touch a snake, took picture wit orang-utan.
On the way back, we bought sugarcane drink at the roadside. Then we head to Damai food court for our tea break. Really happy to go somewhere holiday with family members, but still, not really perfect with the absence of daddy.

I Volunteer!

14 June 2009
Just back from a camp named Outward Bound Youth camp. I've learned so much during the camp including water rafting (which we are the last group), starting up fire for cooking(Vanessa is cooking up the Ayam Kicap), helping out the OKU(during the telematch) and etc..
At first I thought the camp is like the military type, but surprisingly, it is not the way I think of. We had our breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper and tea time.. Our group got number one for overall competition. Which our yell for our group is (Are you ready guys, Hiyay captain! 1,2,3! D to the E to the LTA, DELTA,DELTA, Delta Delta here we go, Delta Delta here we are! Say what? Delta! Say what? Delta! Delta Delta Number one!) created by Elfie. Outward Bound Yay!!
Something sad happened in the camp which I finally realize the friend I'm always hanging out with, had done something that is really unforgivable. I will not forget how she lies to us and act like nothing happened. She had totally changed, not the one that I know since year 2005. She had become hypocrite, fake, dishonest, not live as a Christian, got a boy friend and forgetting her old friends. She really disappoints me. I will never want to be her friend anymore.

Bad Luck!

11June 2009
I hit a car's bumper by my motorcycles during the way back (road between Kg.Air and Sinsuran) from Pasar. It happened after I had bought 4 coconut from the Philippine Market, probably the inertia of the coconut made me can't brake on time. Haiz, now have to ask help from YiYi to pay back that guy(a chef from Hyatt Hotel) which cost up to RM200. Thank God the guy is not really angry at me. I don't know why I tried to stop with both back and front brake, it doesn't work. Thank God I wasn't hurt at all.

Grandma, I love you!

9June 2009
Today my grandma falls sick already. Looking at her backside, it makes me felt touched how she raise her children during the hard days. The one who used to be a strong tree which supporting her children and grandchildren to grow now have become weaken. Now that I know how great she is all the time when she is with us. But we are actually ignoring the present of her all the time, doesn't listen to her advices. From now on, I will stay beside her and listen to her. Grandma, I LOVE YOU! I am So Sorry if I have done something that hurt u. Hope you always stay healthy!

Perayaan Hari Palang Merah Sedunia 2009

7 June 2009
Yesterday, there was an event held at SJK Chung Hwa Likas which is Perayaan Hari Palang Merah for KK branch. It was the memorable day for me, as I met few of my old buddy and officer. I was given the post as the Ketua Padang on that day and I'm wearing one crown (just showing only, not true de).

Remembered back during the previous day where I have been scolded by Tuan Lo Nam Yee in front of the members. But for me, this doesn't weaken my spirit in continuing my journey in Red Crescent. Besides, it helps me grown wise.

I was in Form 2 when I first joined the Red Crescent Activities which is the Jurulatih Kawad Camp, and surprisely I was promoted to UP Corporal cum Asst. Jurulatih Kawad. This really excites me, for me nothing is greater than my talent is finally recognized! Then there is the beginning of my journey in RC. Being promoted and promoted, and finally I achieved the highest rank in Youth, which is Ketua Utama Seksyen a.k.a. Staf Sarjan during Form 4. So, here I am now, a recognized leader (which I called myself,haha…). I used to use the word LEADER LEAD BY EXAMPLE to motivates the other members, and now it's IF I CAN DO IT, SO DO YOU! Why? I have to admit that I'm not very strong as I suffered from serious asthmatic problem since I was a kid, the spirit and morale inside me that keep me going through all the obstacles. So, if I can do it, so do you

Am I right?!

Why Poli?

23 January 2009

It's been two weeks since I register myself as a Politeknik student of Politteknik Kota Kinabalu. How can I express myself...?! Regret? Grateful?

To be frankly, it's been so hard for me to face all of my friends at Poli which enrolled during the July 2008 intake as now they have become my senior. Even some of them keep questioning why that I come back here.. Why? I can only tell that it's because there is problem with my scholarship and also the poor college management.

Now, I have chosen to come back. I do not know whether I can be the best or not ,but I will try my best in my study, as one of my friend, Mark told me. I can say that he is my Greatest Sifu and master as he would advice me and "reload" my morale when I felt totally like a loser.

I met few Chinese friends which turns into a very good buddy for me. I really thank God that hears my prayers and respond me.

27 December 2008 - The day I started my new life...

27 December 2008

For those who luckily or unluckily discover my blog, congratulation to you, as you may slowly discover the real me as you keep reading my blog.

Let's have some introduction before I start:

Name: Kenny @FaithJasper a.k.a Loh De Legacy

D.O.B: 02/02/1990

Sex: Female

Race: Chinese

Religious: Normally, I call myself as a Christian (A Christian who never went to church).

Nationality: Malaysian of course

H/p No.:+6016-818693X/ +6014-955080X


Ok, that is all I am gonna post out...for the moment...