Thursday, April 1, 2010

Taman Tun Fuad…

27 March 2010

Once again, I successfully conquered it.

Well, it's Saturday evening. Since I have nothing to do at home, I decided to go to the nearby jogging track (just moved to Penampang area) to have some exercise (since it's been a long time I din' do my work out). After having a fast walk rounding the jogging track, I went up to the hill (where the RCS usually did the track). It's quite physically and mentally challenged. I'm actually thinking of pampering myself with a "cha kueh" after the jog, but unfortunately when I went down, it is SOLD OUT!! Arghhh… Kinda disappointed though.

When I reached home, I saw AnT! Then I became an ANT HUNTER. After I have killed all the ant, I continued doing another 50 sit-upS. End. (Exhausted and Tired Day)

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