Friday, April 9, 2010

Relationship between “Homo Sapiens”

31 March 2010

Homo Sapiens, a complicated creature gifted with intellect to think, emotion to express, and a brain full of thought. Many of us don't really realize and think deeply about the relationship between us.

Feeling of hate, jealousy, detestation, disgust will eventually comes out from our inner side which we didn't know where it comes from (probably from our brain, I do not know). I believe everyone experience this kinda felling, even the saint (me either). For example? Lately I really hate someone, because she acts insanely toward me which even my mom and dad wouldn't do that to me. I hate her! Next example, I met few people which accuse me with bad thing recently. And the thing that I know is, they hate me because they jealous me (which I presume by their behaviour and attitude toward me). Why is this happened and how to prevent it? I guess we have to ask a neurologist.

Well, just a review for people to reminisce about our connection with each other.

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