Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cool outing…

24-25 April 2010

I went clubbing with SingYee at WhiteRoom today. We stayed until 2 in the morning and continued our night with McD nugget set. After reaching to the hotel (we stayed at King Park Hotel near bandaran), I landed on the bed which really comforting.

We went to Gaya street and Pulau Manukan on Sunday morning together with Ms Grace (GSC team) and her friend. For the very first time, I was surrounded by fishes as huge as my head. It was an enjoyable time spends with Sing Yee. I'm looking forward for out next outing…

Sunday, April 25, 2010

K’gau Kawad Trip…

18 April 2010

It was a 2 days 1 night trip. The purpose of this trip is to teach and test the Keningau member for the Lencana Kawad.

The journey begin right after the meeting at branch. Talk about the meeting, I was very surprised ( I mean shock!) after Tuan Jeffrey announced that I was going to be the advisor for KK contingent and "Ketua Padang" for the WRCD in June as I thought Tn. Nelerin will be holding the post. Well, now I have to prepared my voice, to shout out loud at Keningau.

Back to the trip, Nancy, Chiang, Pat and I were staying at the back of the Branch Lorry while Tn. Nazmi and Tn. Cyril sitting at the front with Tn. Jeff. It is quite bumpy along the road to our destination. We arrived at SMK APIN-APIN about 8pm. It's my first time teaching Kawad area beside KK. Kinda excited though. First time seeing the members kawad, their stamping quite good, it just that their quick march looks a bit weird. They prepared us air-conditioned room, we slept about 2 pm. Before that, something interesting happened. Guess what? Tn. Nazmi take off his pant infront of me! (But he wore a thigh inside) kinda remind me about Richard back to year 2006.

On the next day, after having some exercising march, breakfast, I conduct a Kawad Perhubungan with the help of pembantu jurulatih. Then the test is conducted and total of 10 out of 35 person passed the test and acquired their march badge. Tn. Jeff spontaneous speech on the Majlis Penutupan is great. We received token of appreciation and hamper. Other than that, I'm the Lead for the Mini Kawalan conducted. We arrived KK about 6-7pm.

Last but not least, I really grateful and thank to Tn.Jeff for giving me the opportunity. Conclusion, I really enjoyed the trip with them (Tn.Nazmi,Tn.Cyril,Chiang,Nancy and ChuPat).

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Convocation of Senior…

15 April 2010

Polytechnic is having convocation week for my senior. Omedetto to my senior for graduating, for 3 years of struggling hard work for a piece of paper which people called as diploma. Congratulation, Risah, Henrietaliana…

Diploma, how I wonder the day I would received the cert from the Director. Another 1 year to go, can I make it?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Babi Berbaris a.k.a Barbequeing!

10 April 2010

Today, I'm having a barbeque party with my course mate. Since we are going to do our practical training in the month of June until December, which we are not seeing each other for half year, so we decided to have some memory before we have our own training.

It is Saturday morning at Tg. Aru Second Beach. Party started at about 9:30am. After all the hard tries, I finally light up the BBQ stove with the help of Echa, Khairul and others. The food menu are: Chocolate cake (by Syah which is really delicious), Chicken Wing, Sausages, Fish Ball, Rice, Orange juice (paid Rm15) and etc. Next, we have few games, singing on the tree, taking pictures, and it end up with me bathing at the sea which I didn't plan it to be. It is fun hanging out with them. After the party, I learned more about them, I learned their true, inner side which I didn't see in class. Having friends like them is the biggest luck in my life. I should appreciate them!

Unfortunately among our classmate, there is few absentee such as Ima, Romeo, Farith, Azrie, Siraj, Zazmie. Hope to see them participate in our outing activities next time.

Conclusion, BBQ with Mah course mate is fun and full of enjoyment.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Structure’s Mechanic?

8 April 2010

There is a test for the subject and I've made my revision in order to face the test. It's 1400 hours and a good news came along with Azrie (our class monitor). It's an open book test! What a surprise huh?! Still, I get to finished my answers on time. Thank God!


2 APRIL 2010

Recently, there is someone really rude to me, and still she asked for my respect.

It occurred inside a camp, the last day of it. There is a junior gives me some kinda SHIT responds when I questioned her something. It is the shittest thing that I encounter for the 7 years involved in the organization. There is words I wanted to fling to her here, "Respect other if you want me to Respect to you" and "Respect my Rank as well as how you want people to Respect yours as I've put as much effort to gain it as how you do

Dangerous Ride!

1 April 2010

Today, I almost died twice. It's because of those reckless drivers in KK.

Due to some circumstances (my bike punctured), I'm riding my brother's bike (which I'm not really used to it) to my college. All of the sudden there is a stupidoo driver driving his lame ninja king try to overpass me. And how idiot he is that he don't know that he almost knock me down. It is raining heavily during my way back to my beloved home, a moron with his blue wira almost takes my life by turning to my side and lost control of his car. Thank God I avoided the accident.


Relationship between “Homo Sapiens”

31 March 2010

Homo Sapiens, a complicated creature gifted with intellect to think, emotion to express, and a brain full of thought. Many of us don't really realize and think deeply about the relationship between us.

Feeling of hate, jealousy, detestation, disgust will eventually comes out from our inner side which we didn't know where it comes from (probably from our brain, I do not know). I believe everyone experience this kinda felling, even the saint (me either). For example? Lately I really hate someone, because she acts insanely toward me which even my mom and dad wouldn't do that to me. I hate her! Next example, I met few people which accuse me with bad thing recently. And the thing that I know is, they hate me because they jealous me (which I presume by their behaviour and attitude toward me). Why is this happened and how to prevent it? I guess we have to ask a neurologist.

Well, just a review for people to reminisce about our connection with each other.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


30 March 2010

To one of my dearest classmate Farith for getting married soon in April. It's really surprise me (suppose to be "Shock") to know that he is getting married at the age of 21. Anyway, my best wishes (and whole class of DKA3A,right AzXree?) to him and his bride for their marriage, present and future!

Home sweet home!

30 March 2010

It's been almost a month since I moved into my new house.

What can I comment for my new house? All I can say is "Loves It"! Why? Because it's pretty near the jogging track, I have my own room, I can take a comforting shower, having a balcony facing the sky and etc. Although it's far away from my college, no television, but it is wonderful as my brother and I did spend time together.

At first I thought our relationship would be far apart (just like back to KL where I stay with my big Brother) as he is back late in the night and we don't really have time to see each other although we live in the same house. But things work out well as sometimes I will cook for him, help him fold his cloth and he just did the same thing for me. A lot of improvement in our relationship and I hope it will last forever.

Last but not Least, home surely a sweet home.


30 March 2010


One night I had a dream--
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord
and across the sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints,
one belonged to me and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that many times along the path of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in my life.
This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you would walk with me all the way,
but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life
there is only one set of footprints.
"I don't understand why in times when I needed you most,
you should leave me."
The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
I love you and I would never, never leave you
during your times of trial and suffering.
"When you saw only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

Is Him real? Does He exist? Is He really beside me as the poem written? My curiosity toward Him is never end. I have so many question marks about Him. I always wanted to know Him more, but I can't really believe in my belief. I need guidance. But still I know that He is protecting me as I'm encountering trouble and danger.

But there is a thing that I don't understand. Why! Oh God, why many of my friends who claim themselves a "Faithfull Christian" shows such bad example toward me? They show hypocrite, money based and many evil satan attitude. Why?!

Laziness overcomes me懒惰已完全控制了我。

三月 三十号 二零一零年

在不知不觉中, 我已变得越来越懒惰,越来越糟糕了。以前充满自信的我,已渐渐地失去了对自己的信心。也没有像以前一样对作业,测验和考试充满着干劲,也不会自动自发的温习功课。现在的我每当遇着考试,总是想着怎样作弊,逃避着做学生的责任。空闲的我,总是把时间花在无谓的琐事。看着别人的成就,就觉得自己好没用唷!



Outing with SingYee!

28 March 2010

It's kinda fun outing. Well, it begins with having our breakfast at Ip Fung, then go for a movie with title of 'a lovely bones', next we went to 1 Borneo. After did her shopping (she bought a lot!), we went to ground floor eat Maggi, GuiLingGao and FuChukBarley. Later than we have two pieces of delicious, tasty, yummy, mouth-watering cheese cake (chocolate Cheese and Oreo Cheese) at Secret Recipe. Then we went to Karamunsing for Chicken rice at Rafflesia Chicken Hut. We went to waterfront afterward spending time while waiting my brother finished his work.

Today's outing was full of enjoyment and fun. Well, I'm awaiting for our next outing.


27 March 2010

I suddenly think of my brothers A.K.A my buddy today. They are Nancy and Vanessa (挖泥沙). Hehe… They have been a good friends of mine all the time. Thinking the RCS Youth Camp organize lately, they have shown their kindness and true "buddyship". Without them and their support, I may not endure the accusation toward me by other (well, they knows me well). I love you both BRO…

Taman Tun Fuad…

27 March 2010

Once again, I successfully conquered it.

Well, it's Saturday evening. Since I have nothing to do at home, I decided to go to the nearby jogging track (just moved to Penampang area) to have some exercise (since it's been a long time I din' do my work out). After having a fast walk rounding the jogging track, I went up to the hill (where the RCS usually did the track). It's quite physically and mentally challenged. I'm actually thinking of pampering myself with a "cha kueh" after the jog, but unfortunately when I went down, it is SOLD OUT!! Arghhh… Kinda disappointed though.

When I reached home, I saw AnT! Then I became an ANT HUNTER. After I have killed all the ant, I continued doing another 50 sit-upS. End. (Exhausted and Tired Day)