Monday, January 24, 2011

Look into your eyes…

25 January 2011

Lately, I found out that I do not dare to look into people’s eyes when I talk to them.

I realized it when I found out my body language betrayed me. It happened not long ago. There is a conversation between my friends, which I’m involving in it. But in certain time, I can’t felt the jokes that they make. Since everyone is laughing, so I laugh along, even I do not really know what I laugh for.

Started on that day, I started to avoid eye contact with them, and started to avoid conversation with them. I rather looked around, than approach them.

And now, it’s becoming serious as I even avoid my best friends. I wanted to be alone, because it maybe the best way, to protect myself from being a jokes.

Another thing is, I found out that distance will make friend apart. Will talk about it in my next blog…

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