Monday, January 24, 2011


25 January 2011

I attended a meeting a few hours ago. Something sad happened. I got looked down by someone.

It begin with a normal conversation until someone asked me where i study. So, I answered Polytechnic. Then, this person ( the one who looked down on me) immediately shows a disgusting face. So, the body language tells everything. He is definitely think I'm so stupid. WTH! Do you think i went to poly for no reason?! I pass my SPM with flying colour, it’s because I didn’t get the chance! it’s because my dad is not rich! It’s because living as Chinese in the land of M didn’t get to play the fair game! Personally, I do not think there is any problem with me studying at poly. So, do i need to be ashamed because I'm taking a diploma instead of degree? I'm proud to be Polytechnician. So, do not deny my ability by my education level, you don’t even know what I'm capable of!

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