Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am officially Facebookless…

12 January 2011

I shut down my facebook sharply 1300 today. In order to cure my addiction toward it. While having more time spend on my study and it’s time for me to make some real friends. So, it’s a good thing for me.

The reason causing me to do this crazy act is… I got my first zero mark in my whole life. Thanks to Mr. Soil Mechanic.

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Believe it or not, it’s a big “0”! I have no idea why thins is happening on me. So i figured it out, maybe i spent to much of time on Facebook. Trying to think positively, not to hold grudge on the lecturer…

I felt relieved, after making the decision of shutting it down. Again, due to the HUGE “0”, I determined to get a better score next time.

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