Friday, January 28, 2011

Kuih Kapit

28 January 2011

Chinese New Year is coming! Since i have no money to buy any junk food to eat, I have decided to make kuih kapit!

Here’s the recipe,

150g Sugar

150g Rice flour ( i added a lil’ bit of plain flour,accidently)

4 Egg

1 Tablespoon tapioca flour

250ml Thick coconut milk(i used packet)

60ml water


First, mixed the egg with sugar.

Then, in another bowl, mixed the rice flour with water until even.


Pour the egg mixed to the rice flour, and mixed til even.

The next step is to pour in the coconut milk.

Lastly, shift the batter. Leave for half hour, and bake using the ‘kuih kapit machine"’!




Monday, January 24, 2011

Look into your eyes…

25 January 2011

Lately, I found out that I do not dare to look into people’s eyes when I talk to them.

I realized it when I found out my body language betrayed me. It happened not long ago. There is a conversation between my friends, which I’m involving in it. But in certain time, I can’t felt the jokes that they make. Since everyone is laughing, so I laugh along, even I do not really know what I laugh for.

Started on that day, I started to avoid eye contact with them, and started to avoid conversation with them. I rather looked around, than approach them.

And now, it’s becoming serious as I even avoid my best friends. I wanted to be alone, because it maybe the best way, to protect myself from being a jokes.

Another thing is, I found out that distance will make friend apart. Will talk about it in my next blog…


25 January 2011

I attended a meeting a few hours ago. Something sad happened. I got looked down by someone.

It begin with a normal conversation until someone asked me where i study. So, I answered Polytechnic. Then, this person ( the one who looked down on me) immediately shows a disgusting face. So, the body language tells everything. He is definitely think I'm so stupid. WTH! Do you think i went to poly for no reason?! I pass my SPM with flying colour, it’s because I didn’t get the chance! it’s because my dad is not rich! It’s because living as Chinese in the land of M didn’t get to play the fair game! Personally, I do not think there is any problem with me studying at poly. So, do i need to be ashamed because I'm taking a diploma instead of degree? I'm proud to be Polytechnician. So, do not deny my ability by my education level, you don’t even know what I'm capable of!

CNY Shopping Wish List

25 January 2011

Due to the financial tightness this year, I have to think twice before buying anything expensive. So, in this CNY celebration, I decided to make a small wish list (it’s a wish) for my CNY shopping basket.

Firstly, i wanted to reward myself a set of cloth, for my hard work on saving money in the past year( which I managed not to buy things that I desired the most).

Secondly, after using it for about 5 years, it’s time for it’s retirement. Will buy myself a brand new wallet, better from Extreme.


Thirdly, my shoe broken after wearing it for only a year. How sad it is… Ok, added into the shopping list.


I know, many of the people out there don’t even eat well. So, I’m still lucky (trying to think positively) that i can buy the stuff that i want, even it’s not a Nike, Adidas, or Puma. Because I realized, I’m not born rich. But i still believe, I will be one of them, if i worked hard enough!

Monday, January 17, 2011


18 January 2011


近来,我发现我再逃避着磨某某人。不敢正视他的眼神,深怕被他察觉。说的话,也语无论此的,答非所问。当已没有话题了,该保持沉默。。。我感觉到,自己的body language 隐瞒不了。是害怕吗?还是恐惧?好奇怪的感觉。。。

最近,我好像对所有人撒谎了。明明没感觉到快乐,却勉强的笑,感觉到喜欢的,却装傻,感觉到委屈的,却放在心里头,感觉到愤怒的,却往肚里吞,感觉到开心的,却能与无人分享。但这一切,都被自己的body language出卖了。到底是为何?



18 January 2011


最近好不开兴呀, 因为我做了他和他之间的夹心饼,好痛苦,好痛苦。。。






Sunday, January 16, 2011

My First Homemade Doughnut!!!

16 January 2011

Today is my brother’s birthday. So I decided to make something special.

For a cooking nerd like me, I preferred something simple and easy to do, avoiding any mess I can caused. After thinking for a while, suddenly I missed Big Apple Donut. After searching in the internet, I found a video clip at Youtube. I followed the instruction, resulting a nice, fluffy doughnut.

So, here’s the video… Just follow the instructions.


The result:


My mom also did some baking today, in collaboration of my bro’s birthday…

SONY DSCUnbelievable is it… A cooking nerd like me did it….

So, anyone who would like to try making doughnut, i strongly recommend the recipe of the video clip… Simple, easy…!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am officially Facebookless…

12 January 2011

I shut down my facebook sharply 1300 today. In order to cure my addiction toward it. While having more time spend on my study and it’s time for me to make some real friends. So, it’s a good thing for me.

The reason causing me to do this crazy act is… I got my first zero mark in my whole life. Thanks to Mr. Soil Mechanic.

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Believe it or not, it’s a big “0”! I have no idea why thins is happening on me. So i figured it out, maybe i spent to much of time on Facebook. Trying to think positively, not to hold grudge on the lecturer…

I felt relieved, after making the decision of shutting it down. Again, due to the HUGE “0”, I determined to get a better score next time.

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Eat for fun?!

8 January 2011


As usual, I have a date with my gang, for mangiare la pizza. Before the outing, we have a lab test for hydraulic.

Five of us have our lunch at Pizza and head to K-box for alleviare la tensione. I had a great time and enjoyed my day. Again, I love em’!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

It’s been almost a month…