Sunday, March 7, 2010


28 February 2010

Yeah, as the title said, I am applying for that. Not a surprise, I didn't get any scholarship as I have applied tonnes of it (JPAN,JPA for Polytechnic and etc) . Probably there are two main reasons, whether I'm too stupid for deserving a scholarship or I'm a CHINESE. I think the second reason would be more reasonable and logic (it will be more realistic if I say I live in Malaysia, ya know what I mean). Since most of my bumiputra friends successfully gets the scholar (even their result 'suckier' then mine), I have a conclusion that living in Malaysia as a non-bumiputra status would be far more difficult compare to those native(well, I mean bumiputra people). Therefore, I have made up my decision that one day, I would migrate to country with non-discriminate political view (if I afford to do so). Bon Voyage, yeah!

Okay, back to my PTPTN application (gone too far already). Actually I have applied it since I was in semester 1, but due to wrong information editing, I screwed it all up! And lately, I finally persuade myself (which needs lotsa' courage) to ask the PTPTN counter located inside the BSN. It ends up by applying for a brand new application (arrrgh…)! The date for the PTPTN officer is still unconfirmed yet (but I have prepared the entire document needed), just pray to God it can be done ASAP. After I get my first payment, I would buy a brand new phone and printer for myself, while returning the remains to YiYi, Chill

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