Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Untitled post which I do not know what to put as title.

7 March 2010

Today, I read my cousin's blog. It pop out with its blog title '忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空'. Suddenly remind me of how harsh I treat him. Yet he didn't do anything wrong.

Why I'm such terrible to him? I know he done nothing wrong, but I keep finding his mistakes. He is just do not know how to spend his money on the right things, do not study seriously (just like me) , shower for too long, expect my grandma(80 years old) to cook for him, and keep borrowing money from her. Other than that, he can be counted as a good boy. (actually there is another thing that confuse me when I saw incantation place around my house which looks like aiming me, wondering who did it[after taking in the possibility of who's the suspect]) For all intents and purposes, I just want him to be good.

Before his arrival ( I mean staying with us), I treat him good because I look at him as my relative. But things change when he came. I think it's my jealousy that brings up the matter ( as I'm the youngest in the family and suddenly there come an outsider disturbing in my 'circle of life'). It burst out and make me insane ( I can't take control of myself thinking how to kena him). But after seeing the blog title, I think I may be tolerant and lenient with him the next moment after I wrote this blog (as I said I don't want to regret anything).

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