Sunday, March 21, 2010

RCS Youth Camp 1 2010

21 March 2010

Just back from the camp and slept for 12 hours ( dehydrated for few days). Well, the camp runs overalls well. Finally, after 7 days of restless days and nights, I survived camp (hah, even I'm not the PB). Although many problem occurred during the camp, but it finally ends with no imperfection. Congratulation to the Ketua keseluruhan(EmEm,Ryn,LJL,Katrie), Commandant(Robert), Matron(Jofonnie), M&M(Femy & Neo), Kawalan(Syarifah & Milton), and all of the PB(QD,Sandra) for completing the camp successfully. Not to forget the Ketua kumpulan and all the members joining the camp. All of you have passed the test! The trial! The challenge! And grown to become a leader! Please not to forget what you guys have learned in this camp. Keep bringing members to join the camp in order to activate your school!

Talked about the camp, for me I don't think the camp was prefect enough as it is not strict enough, the obstacle course done in the wrong ways, the food not quality enough, the route for XPDC is not long enough and etc. Hopefully there will be a post mortem after this and discuss matters that happened in order to prevent it to occur in the future.

Congratulation to KK VAD team for winning second place in National Level First aid competition.

There will be a WRCD celebration in June, just hope that I can join the event as well.

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