Sunday, March 7, 2010

Election for the new Parliament!

3 March 2010

That's mean, voting! Yeah, finally polytechnic is showin' a little democracy in its election for the brand new parliament! I have always wanted a democratic election system (just like back to SM Stella Maris where they applied this kind of system in selecting the head prefect) in polytechnic so that I can complain whatever I have always wanted to complaint. One thing that disappoints me is that there is no Chinese are nominated to represent for the election. It is such a shame for us where we were supposed to be participating actively in those activities. What to do, as we are in Polytechnic, the Bumi conquer the world. United Poly?! I wonder…

Yet, I have a friend who is competing for the general candidate, her name is Hayana. What I have to say about her? A kind person, good friend of mine. Vote for Yanz, yeah!!

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