Wednesday, March 10, 2010


7 March 2010

Everyone will face it! It depends on when people will face it.

I have encountered few nearly incident that almost caused me to death ( I really like to speed with my "husband", ya know why then…). Do you know what it feels like when you're almost dead? You'll see all you past flashing back in your mind (which the TV always told, and it's TRUE). And when you're safe, your whole body will be as weak as you can't stand by yourself. Well, at least that is what I felt.

Death can caused sadness, confuses, disappointment and many more. Why I'm saying this? It's because I started to think what will happened when I'm dead. Will people around felt sad? Will I donate my body part? What will happen to my "property"? Will I die in accident? Will people remember me after few years? What about my study? When I think again seriously, I thought of people came to this world without a thing, then why we worried so much about physical stuff around us?
Actually, there is so many wonderful things that I haven't accomplish in my life. And I don't want to regret and missed on anything. But I just can't control my fate. Even if I ride with care, others still have chances to knock me of as it's not my fault (my probability of bump into an accident is a lil' bit high)(just try to imagine riding a motorcycle everyday in such busy crowded and full of damn ass huge container lorries road).Okay, just in case I die suddenly, please do my funeral as Christian do, and ….(not wanting to write it down as it's too awful to think about that)
In the end, please appreciate what you have now before it's too late.

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