Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

31 December 2010

Another few more hours to 2011. It’s time for me to say goodbye 2011. In the year 2010, a lot of thing happened. So, let’s have some review on 2010.


1. 早在今年,我搬家了,但因为某种原因,我再次搬家了。。。就因为这原因,我们与亲戚翻脸了。对我来说,他们实在太绝情了,煽风点火,来分离我们,我不会原谅他们的。

2. 4 the most, 我的死党让我理解朋友真正的意义,我会好好珍惜他们!另一方面,在这新学年,我班的团结让我更珍惜我们之间的友谊。爱死他们了!

3. 红新月呢,让我成长了。今年参加了许多的活动,提升了我的领导能力,和人际关系,与他们的距离也渐渐拉近。但是,我再也感受不到,原来的我,那对红新月的一片死心,做事有干劲的我了。感觉到,自己变得好渺小,好渺小。。。

4. 今年,我参加了空手道。我的sensei, 是在红新月认识的。当然,一切归零,有白带开始。。。希望自己在未来的十年,能学到怎么保护自己,当一个空手道黑带七段的女强人。

5. 今年,钱不够用。明年的目标,钱一定要够用!

6. 生死。。。 因为驾摩托,有好几次差点死掉。。。不是我不小心,是别人的大意。。。希望明年的同一天,我还活着。。。

7. 爱情,算了。。。丑小鸭永远不会变天鹅的,我了解。。。嘻嘻。。。

今年的我,成熟了许多。 经历的一切,让我看透了人生。 希望明年会更好!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Hillsong United - Age to Age

I was touched when I heard this...

Friday, December 24, 2010

‘Faith’ Mean… ( It’s Christmas Eve!)

24 December 2010


Today is Christmas Eve… But the spirit of festive doesn’t really cheer me up. As I looked into my friends post in facebook, I realize that Christmas mean a lot to them. I do not know why, but they seems to be really excited about it. Going to church, joining carolling, family gathering, Christmas tree, and etc.

Faith, is the name I choose… Why, the reason is way too simple. Because i wanted to have faith in Him. But until this moment, i think I'm out of the right path…

I claimed myself as a Christian, but in fact I don’t even have a church. How pathetic I am. I left the church years ago, where I really have a terrible experience. For the pass few years, I kept questioning, Did God abandoned me? I don’t feel His existences… Do I even need the religious? If i wanted to know God, is it too late now? There is so many branches of Christian, which one should I choose? I saw many so called Christian done bad things, do Christian do that? How can I start to know Him deeply(please do not ask me to read the bible, i read it, but i have no idea what it truly mean)? I really hope someone, that lead a good example of a Christian, answer my little questions…

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dylla’s Birhtday

17 December 2010
Today is a very special day for me, as I celebrated my course mate birthday with my whole class.
Her name is Dylla, it is the fifth semester, where we’ve been together. It all started with Echa’s idea, where we planned to give her a surprise. The outing started afternoon, where we bring her to Rasamas Restaurant, surprised her by a cake, followed by bowling…and etc.
I enjoyed spending time with them, as they really fit me into their lifestyle. Even I’m the only Chinese there, I don’t feel any uncomfortable hanging with them. It is the most precious friendship that God gave to me. I promised to appreciate my friendship with them, every moment of it! I love you guys, DKA 5A,!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kursus Jurulatih Kawad Asas Siri Khas 2010

DSC0488713 December 2010

It’s been a month I didn’t update the blog… Since there is interesting event happened lately, I’ve decided to blog about it.

During 4-12 December, a drill instructor course was held. I was ask to be one of the instructor. A total of 35 participant from all over Sabah participated the course. They were trained on their personal drill, mengawadkan skuad, and deliver the setingkat. Many advance drill technique were taught in this course.

Last but not least, i hope they applied what they have learned into their chapter and help improving the drill quality. A word of congratulation to those who pass with excellent. To those who did not do well, do not give up to try your best in everything. Also congrate to Eleen Wong, Ashraf, Chiang and Christianus for the promotion.

Practice make perfect!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


13 November 2010
It’s another five days left for my practical here at BP. Let’s have some review on this period.
I was very happy having accepted by BP as a trainee. Being sent to a site is making me more excited and anxious. I was located at Darau site together with two of DKA B classmate. At first, I thought I can get along with them very well. But, as PM said in today’s staff meeting, human nature is unpredictable. As the time passed by, I found out that I have some trouble getting along with her. So, I just ignored the tiniest problem between us and live on my life. But things turned out differently and unexpectedly.
Then there is an event going on which I suggested to have a BBQ night. During the discussion, we clashed and “pop”… it became a ticking bomb. Things don’t turn around the following week, even until now. Until this moment, I review myself. I think it’s because of my personality, attitude… I offended so many people… I confessed to Him, the mighty one. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Please forgive me as well. I’m in pain, during this period, every moment. It’s been a suffering time, I have to let go, or I will have a mental breakdown.
During this period, I learned a lot, mostly through the ChapKung. They taught me lesson of life. When I looked into them, I realized… Life is hard, yet we have to go through it. Among the hardest, complex, complicated thing I learned in this “social university” is Public Relationship. As I said in the previous post, human have different attitude, style, and mind-set. It’s the most complicated subject. I remembered a friend of mine once told me, that as he follows their style and resulting he gets along really well. He has an easy approach, where people comfortable talking with him. But I can’t be like him, I just can’t. I am sensitive, as I read people’s gesture, their body language which tells me how they felt about me, and I believe in my sixth sense.
Today, there is the last Staff Meeting I ‘m attending. PM hinted many things, on how we carry ourselves in future. Then there is a question from a superior, that I will not forget how he’s intonation sound. “So Loh, I’ve only seeing you doing hands on job. What’s your opinion?”- That’s doesn’t sound like compliment to me, but I learned a lot even doing so called “hands on” job…at least I can plaster my home in a DIY technique. Honestly, answer to the question after the statement, I am not really joyful. During the meeting, PM asked us… what else they can do in order to make our last days in practical be memorable. I kept silent… But deep inside, I wanted peace, to be friend again…with those I offended. But I knew, the moment I dreamed of, would never be achieved. Yes, I’ll just move on.
Lastly, I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone… especially:
Mr. Yen, Mr. Mumin, Mr. Atan, Mr. Lee and Azeem… For some reason, they make me felt comfortable in my practical here.

Moisture test

A test conducted on wall moisture before painting.
Point the tester on wall, get the reading by pressing hold.

Test on plastered wall
If the reading is higher than 20% on external wall, or 16% on internal wall, painting can not be conducted as the moisture of wall is still high and will be affecting the paint painted. If the reading not exceeding the %, painting can be done.

Test on skim coated wall
Normally, reading on plastered wall will be higher that skim coated wall. It is due to the mortar of plastered wall where it can still absorb moisture of surrounding.

Surveyor signal

During surveying field work, the distant between chainman (worker who help surveyor) and surveyor would be very far. Therefore, a standard hand signal is formed in order for them to communicate.
Here's some example of the hand signal.





Other hand signal include front, back, buble (staff not in the bobble center), left, right, numbering...

Cube test

To determine the strength of concrete
Material/ Equipment:
-        Concrete cube mould of size 150mm or 100mm with steel base
-        Compacting rod
-        Compression test machine

1.       Mould and base plate is cleaned and applied with oil to prevent concrete from sticking to the sides of cube. Base plate is attached to mould by using bolt and nut

2.       The cube is filled with concrete in three layers

3.       Each layer is compacted 25 times (depends on batching plant). Compaction is done uniformly to all surface of the concrete

4.       The surface of the concrete is smoothened same level with upper side of the mould.
5.       It is then covered with plastic cover for 24 hours before mould dismantle

6.       After remoulding, the cubes are submerged in water for curing.
7.       Compression strength test must be carried out for concrete age 7, 14, 28 days
-        The strength value of each cube must be recorded and compared with target strength value.
-        The purpose of carry out test on 7th and 14th day to predict whether concrete could achieve targeted 28th day strength. Normally, concrete acquired 70% strength on 7th day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Coin Magic Trick

Friday, October 29, 2010


19 October 2010

I'm not happy lately… I'm sad, moody… It's all because of things happened lately… Things are not going on as I expected it to be… I really hope to finish it as soon as possible… I need to express my stress… I need someone to talk to… God, do you hear me when I talk to you?


12 October 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010


22 September 2010
在不知不觉中,我已在这儿实习了94天了。。。 在这些日子里,我学习了很多,认识了很多人,也和他们打成一片。但,身边总是有小人在打转着。。。眼红及嫉妒我与他人的默契,开始散播无根据的谣言,企图中伤我。。。习惯了。。。但不用紧,因为我知道我身边总是待着随时随地让我诉苦的好朋友。。。



29 September 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Slump Test

26 August 2010
Slump test is a test conducted before the concrete to be used for casting. The purposed of slump test is to determined the water content in concrete (whether it is too dry or too wet for concreting) and its workability.
Normally it is done for every mixer truck arrived. But it can also be detected by the movement of the wet concrete when it is being poured out to the bucket (when you familiar with it).
A slump can be collapse, or shear, when it is failed. A failed slump will need to be re-batching at the batching plant.
Equipment for slump test
  • Base plate
  • Trowel to mix concrete mixture
  • Steel tamping rod
  • Slump cone
  • Ruler
Aparatus of Slump test
Wet concrete are divided into 3 layers(common standard)or 4 layers(MS standard)
Each layer will be compacted with compacting rod as much as 25 times
Frustum is lifted up slowly
Frustum come is placed invertly beside slump and the degree od slump acquired from the reading of ruler or measuring tape.

Rectification for wall crack

26 August 2010
It's time for me to share.
Today I'm gonna post something that I've learn in site. Information provided only for reference. Any wrong information that I given are welcome to post comment.
Wall crack usually happened when curing is not done properly casting. A correct method of rectification is very important to avoid structure failure, especially IBS that our site is using.
Crack on wall
Chipping is done until there is no crack line
Chipped section is watered so that the sika grout will stick to the wall
Sika grout is used to patch up the crack area
Patch area is smoothen with movement of sponge

Update on my practical training…

26 August 2010
It's been two month I have been doing my practical here at Binapuri. Well, I think it's time for me to share some of my thought here about it.
Well, let's begin my talk with people here…
Mr Tan – Pm of the site. He is actually my idol here thou as he leads like a great leader.
Mr Yap – I'm afraid of him. That's why I don't dare to ask him questions even though I'm his apprentice.
Mr Zia – A friendly engineer here.
Mr Alex – A very funny and open minded guy I ever met.
Mr Wilfred – Young energetic engineer which have to walk a long distance every day.
Mr Kelvin – Sometimes serious, but yet a cute supervisor.
Mr Aminin – A guy I bother the most, great balancer.
Mr Mumin – Went to Sarawak, but he taught me a great lesson.
Mr Jemli – A smiling surveyor.
Mr Yasun – I think he is a cute daddy.
Mr Nelson – He always cheer me up when I'm moody.
Ms JC – I love her, she always have no worries.
Mr Habib – A careful safety officer.
Mr Jacob – He is my teacher of backhoe.
Jailis – He helps me a lot when I'm in trouble.
Azeem – He always do funny act such as holding a gun just like James bond inside a building.
Atan – A cute sub con that I have joke with.
Bang bang – Yong bang bang…
WillBond – A very young sub con.
Other Gw and security - They are kind as they always telling me to be careful when I'm back.
Now let's talk about my work. Basically I followed them to the site and do my own observation. Sometimes I'd help up in brick laying that kind of stuff. Then spend my afternoon taking a nap. Haha… That's all… for now…

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Karate do…

9 August 2010
Today, I have my very first karate class teaches by Sensei Cyril Oh (one of the officer at Red Crescent). It begin with the day where we gather at Siew Ching's BBQ party when we discussed about it.
The Dojo located at YMCA, Damai. We were taught about stances and hoe to punch correctly. Well, hope I can be as good as Cyril one day.

Fishing for the first time…

7 August 2010
I went to fishing for the first time with my friend at site, which is Aminin and his wife, Nelson and Atan. I borrowed the fishing rod from my uncle and we went to our destination, under the Tuaran Bridge. I was so excited until I'm thinking of how many fished would I catch for the day, But pantang for me, I catched none. It wasn't our luck as the fishes won't eat our "already died bait". Lucky for Nelson, he cought two little fishes and gave it to me.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lesson of life…

23 July 2010

Today, I learned a lesson of life from the workers on the site. How to say it…

I went to see how the pile is being cut. In a sudden, a feel of sympathy came from the inner of mine. I felt I was really lucky to be who I am now, at least better than others out there who have to work real hard to earn penny for living.

This is what I saw.

I felt that he is pity, where he has to use the heavy tools, works in an uncomfortable situation alone. Again, thank God for everything.

Friday, July 16, 2010


16 July 2010

Today, my brother shocked me by buying a Digital SLR camera.

It is during Grandma's Birthday when I asked him if he wants to share with me the money to buy a DSLR. But I wasn't expecting him to buy it as quickly as I am using the money I earned in my practical to pay him (no, not the scholarship).

He bought Sony A380 which I don't really know how to use it.

Abang Mumin…

16 July 2010

He is the M & E supervisor in the site. Unfortunately, he's sent by the company to Sarawak's site. Why I'm writing about this guy? What is so special with him?

He is a great guy that reminds me on the attitude and passionate in work. He gave us a lot of advice while teaching us a lot about the M & E in construction. He is not highly educated, but his word are wiser that any professor out there.

I remembered he said that if we work, we must works with effort, passion and wisdom. If we started the works half hour late, we must pay back the time by working overtime without expecting the salary. Yes, he is right. He reminds me the work attitude of mine when I was working at Growball Cinemax. And I realize I am not applying it anymore. From now on, I'd try to reapply the great attitude I used to have in my works.

Day by day…

16 July 2010

It's been almost a month since the first day I worked at BPCSB (accurately, it's not working but daydreaming). The three of us have been taken into the site and observed the works carried out by the workers. Besides that, we were also being taught a lot of things such as meeting, documentation, Photostatting and etc. Sometime, I would ask the workers to let me try for at least, and the result is fun.

I enjoy working here very much as the superior is friendly, and caring. They are really patient in teaching and answering all my questions (as you guys know how I would ask questions).

But unfortunately, we weren't being assigned a real works. So, we sit inside the office most of the time instead of helping them out. Well, I really hoped they would give me some true works for engineer in order for me to get some passion in doing assignment.


13 July 2010

Today my bike punctured in the middle of the road… Thank God it's my brother's off day, so I called him to help me in settling the bike.

Since I've just got my loan, I decided to change the rims of the tyre into tubeless rims to prevent me from any problem regarding to the puncture thing happened on me in the future.

And other special things happened on the same day, I bought us dinner plate of KFC (as I lose the bet with my bro). It is special for us as we seldom eat those fancy, expensive fast food.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

12 July 2010

It is disappointing!

I watched it through streaming, found that it is not as good as I expected… The story's synopsis as following:

The story opens with the revelation that Seattle, Washington is being plagued by a string of murders, which Edward suspects is caused by a new vampire that is unable to control its thirst for human blood. As Edward and Bella apply to colleges, Bella explains to Edward her desire to see her friend, Jacob Black, a werewolf. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that neither Jacob nor his wolf pack would ever harm her, and she begins visiting him occasionally. Meanwhile, Alice Cullen has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella for revenge, has returned to Forks. A few days later, Edward proposes to Bella and, despite harbouring an aversion to marriage, she accepts.

Bella and the Cullens soon realize that the Seattle murders are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires, controlled by Victoria. The Cullens join forces with the wolf pack to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward, Bella, and Jacob camp in the mountains, hidden during the battle, where they are later joined by Seth Clearwater, a young wolf pack member, to wait out the fight.

In the morning, Jacob becomes upset when he overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and threatens to join the fight and get himself killed. To stop him, Bella kisses Jacob and comes to realize that she is in love with him as well. During the battle, Victoria tracks Edward's scent to Bella's forest hiding place, and Edward is forced to fight. Edward manages to decapitate Victoria and her vampire army is destroyed. Afterwards, Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater. After receiving a wedding invitation from Edward, Jacob runs away in his wolf form to escape his heartbreak over Bella's decision to become a vampire.

FiFa World Cup 2010

12 July 2010

The game played in the dawn (where I am still sleeping on my beautiful warm bed). I was expecting my chosen team to win, unfortunately they've lose, 1-0.

It started with a forum where a person claim himself coming from the future and explained a lot of thing that happened in the future. In order to prove that he is right, he made the world cup prediction that Netherland will win by 2-1. There are a lot of people questioning this people, and he answered all of them. It seem like true. So if he is true, the prediction would be correct. Then I bet with my brother who supporting Spain, the loser will treat KFC.

When I went to my workplace, it is a great shock to hear that Netherland lost the game. Oh man, Paul the Octopus is right! Frustration filled my entire brain…

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Senior Trainee

10 July 2010

Today is the last day of him serve as a trainee in Binapuri, he is Dave. He is a degree student from Unimas undergoing practical with us. Although I just know him for only three weeks, I knew he was a great guy as he never be shelfish in sharing his experience being a trainee to us.

Since it was his last day, three of us decided to buy him KFC. In return, I received two avocado from him (thanks Dave!). I knew this probably the last time we met, as we may not recognize each other in the future. Last but not least, good luck in your path to become an engineer and hope to partner with you soon.

From Junior Engineer Trainee