Saturday, November 13, 2010


13 November 2010
It’s another five days left for my practical here at BP. Let’s have some review on this period.
I was very happy having accepted by BP as a trainee. Being sent to a site is making me more excited and anxious. I was located at Darau site together with two of DKA B classmate. At first, I thought I can get along with them very well. But, as PM said in today’s staff meeting, human nature is unpredictable. As the time passed by, I found out that I have some trouble getting along with her. So, I just ignored the tiniest problem between us and live on my life. But things turned out differently and unexpectedly.
Then there is an event going on which I suggested to have a BBQ night. During the discussion, we clashed and “pop”… it became a ticking bomb. Things don’t turn around the following week, even until now. Until this moment, I review myself. I think it’s because of my personality, attitude… I offended so many people… I confessed to Him, the mighty one. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Please forgive me as well. I’m in pain, during this period, every moment. It’s been a suffering time, I have to let go, or I will have a mental breakdown.
During this period, I learned a lot, mostly through the ChapKung. They taught me lesson of life. When I looked into them, I realized… Life is hard, yet we have to go through it. Among the hardest, complex, complicated thing I learned in this “social university” is Public Relationship. As I said in the previous post, human have different attitude, style, and mind-set. It’s the most complicated subject. I remembered a friend of mine once told me, that as he follows their style and resulting he gets along really well. He has an easy approach, where people comfortable talking with him. But I can’t be like him, I just can’t. I am sensitive, as I read people’s gesture, their body language which tells me how they felt about me, and I believe in my sixth sense.
Today, there is the last Staff Meeting I ‘m attending. PM hinted many things, on how we carry ourselves in future. Then there is a question from a superior, that I will not forget how he’s intonation sound. “So Loh, I’ve only seeing you doing hands on job. What’s your opinion?”- That’s doesn’t sound like compliment to me, but I learned a lot even doing so called “hands on” job…at least I can plaster my home in a DIY technique. Honestly, answer to the question after the statement, I am not really joyful. During the meeting, PM asked us… what else they can do in order to make our last days in practical be memorable. I kept silent… But deep inside, I wanted peace, to be friend again…with those I offended. But I knew, the moment I dreamed of, would never be achieved. Yes, I’ll just move on.
Lastly, I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone… especially:
Mr. Yen, Mr. Mumin, Mr. Atan, Mr. Lee and Azeem… For some reason, they make me felt comfortable in my practical here.

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