Friday, December 24, 2010

‘Faith’ Mean… ( It’s Christmas Eve!)

24 December 2010


Today is Christmas Eve… But the spirit of festive doesn’t really cheer me up. As I looked into my friends post in facebook, I realize that Christmas mean a lot to them. I do not know why, but they seems to be really excited about it. Going to church, joining carolling, family gathering, Christmas tree, and etc.

Faith, is the name I choose… Why, the reason is way too simple. Because i wanted to have faith in Him. But until this moment, i think I'm out of the right path…

I claimed myself as a Christian, but in fact I don’t even have a church. How pathetic I am. I left the church years ago, where I really have a terrible experience. For the pass few years, I kept questioning, Did God abandoned me? I don’t feel His existences… Do I even need the religious? If i wanted to know God, is it too late now? There is so many branches of Christian, which one should I choose? I saw many so called Christian done bad things, do Christian do that? How can I start to know Him deeply(please do not ask me to read the bible, i read it, but i have no idea what it truly mean)? I really hope someone, that lead a good example of a Christian, answer my little questions…

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