Thursday, August 26, 2010

Update on my practical training…

26 August 2010
It's been two month I have been doing my practical here at Binapuri. Well, I think it's time for me to share some of my thought here about it.
Well, let's begin my talk with people here…
Mr Tan – Pm of the site. He is actually my idol here thou as he leads like a great leader.
Mr Yap – I'm afraid of him. That's why I don't dare to ask him questions even though I'm his apprentice.
Mr Zia – A friendly engineer here.
Mr Alex – A very funny and open minded guy I ever met.
Mr Wilfred – Young energetic engineer which have to walk a long distance every day.
Mr Kelvin – Sometimes serious, but yet a cute supervisor.
Mr Aminin – A guy I bother the most, great balancer.
Mr Mumin – Went to Sarawak, but he taught me a great lesson.
Mr Jemli – A smiling surveyor.
Mr Yasun – I think he is a cute daddy.
Mr Nelson – He always cheer me up when I'm moody.
Ms JC – I love her, she always have no worries.
Mr Habib – A careful safety officer.
Mr Jacob – He is my teacher of backhoe.
Jailis – He helps me a lot when I'm in trouble.
Azeem – He always do funny act such as holding a gun just like James bond inside a building.
Atan – A cute sub con that I have joke with.
Bang bang – Yong bang bang…
WillBond – A very young sub con.
Other Gw and security - They are kind as they always telling me to be careful when I'm back.
Now let's talk about my work. Basically I followed them to the site and do my own observation. Sometimes I'd help up in brick laying that kind of stuff. Then spend my afternoon taking a nap. Haha… That's all… for now…

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