Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wahhh, kasut baru…

12 February 2011
Latest news, 4 the most is in action again. Haha…
Today is one of the best day in my life. We hang out again. It’s full of enjoyment and fun. For no reason, hanging out with them makes me become myself, i have no need to pretend. I really glad to have them as my partner, and my best  buddy.
It was Saturday, right after Geoteknik test. We went to CP in order to find a shoes for me. During the payment, Si Tinggi paid the bill. And i was told it was a present for me! I’m flattered…(i mean it)
After we shopped for my shoes, as usual we went to Mr.  McD’s stall for his yummy burger…
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Followed by K-boxing…
We watched a movie, named New shaolin temple, kinda interesting story....Image017
Here’s my present…. isn’t it looks lovely… haha… But it is wet during my way back to home due to the ‘dogs and cats rain’…

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