Monday, February 7, 2011

Mark the Legend… @#$%^&*($%^~~

7 February 2010

Mark, my sensei in MRC. He teaches me lotsa’ thing during my youth. Even until today I’m still learn from him. He has his own unique philosophy that no one can be compared. I’m proud to have a sensei like him! Hehe…

It’s been a long time since our last gathering. So, he arranged a gathering for us to met up. It was a two days gathering actually.

Let’s shows the photo!


Steamboat BBQ!167516_1553481363140_1418365714_31226728_898917_n

DSC06832DSC06835DSC06837DSC06838DSC06868DSC06878SONY DSCDSC06886DSC06891DSC06895DSC06896DSC06898DSC06902DSC06903DSC06907DSC06917DSC06918DSC06920DSC06922SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC

Rac is trying out light graffiti!DSC06936DSC06942DSC06945DSC06950

Juicy pork ball!DSC06952DSC06953DSC06954DSC06956DSC06960

Burnt Mellow! Yummy~~DSC06961DSC06962DSC06964DSC06966

New way to eat a marshmellow!DSC06967DSC06968DSC06970DSC06972SONY DSCDSC06975DSC06977DSC06978DSC06986

Group Photo…DSC07004DSC07005DSC07008DSC07011DSC07014DSC07015


Mark gave me a fortune cookies which i never saw one before. The cookies attached with this. I think it hinted me something. Whatever it is…DSC07035

This two days outing has bring out most of my memory of last time when i was youth. We talked about what we had gone through these few years and enjoy ourselves to the max.

Imma’ looking’ forward for next gathering.

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