Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

6 February 2011

I have been through a lot these year, and learned to be independent. I once think that family isn’t that important in my life. But i realized, my family is important than any other thing in the world. What’s more important than having a whole family gather around. This year’s CNY really mean a lot to me, as i finally felt happiness.

We have our fullest  Reunion Lunch ever after!


We had our family photo! Finally!


But I really wished my big bro was here… Really…SONY DSC

It’s also my birthday, but unfortunately nobody even care… I’m sad…DSC06706SONY DSC

Bought myself a brand new wallet…DSC06717SONY DSC

My Grandma…DSC06751

These are my cousin… which is the only relative that close to me…


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