Monday, February 28, 2011


Don’t know why, my desire toward waffles is gettin’ stronger. i wanted to eat it, even when i was in class.

So, i asked my brother to buy it late in the night in order to fullfill my desire.

Of course, the best waffles in the town….dailyfresh!


Waffles is always a the best with combination of PEANUT, KAYA, rite,Farina?!Image004



Draw draw…

Recently there is an assignment given by my lecturer regarding noise pollution. It required us to draw or create some mindmap. So, i drew something… it’s been a long time since the last time i sketch. i developed my so called sketching skill when i was in UCSI. At first i do not believe that i can draw, but the more i sketch, i realized that i really can draw something out of pencil. So, here is it.



Thursday, February 24, 2011

I love 4 THE MOST

4 the most is always in my heart… I know it’s kinda lessy, but i just can’t stop falling in love with them…

We have bond with each other, through the passion of food hunting… It’s great spending time once every two week spending time with them, going for some gourmet, while take turn to spent each other.


Well, SS during our outing…100_4787100_478929122010819AkU IcHa (033)AkU IcHa (073)AkU IcHa (082) 

We even have the same shoes….

Daily encounter…

Today i come across something interesting… Take a look at this…


Imagine the “A” become “U”… I con only say what a coincident…

Today I bought RM2 of kuih…


Still wondering why it is so delicious…


I went to the library with my best buddy to find out some past year paper… and found this…. My brother’s report…!!! Haha… It’s been a long time…

Making my first chocolate cake…recipe by Pikachu…

I made my chocolate cake based on Pika’s recipe… It worked!!! I’m so happy that i finally know how to make a cake.

The recipe is “private and confidential”, as i get it from Pika, so why don’t you asked her by yourself…haha…

Here’s my cake…although it’s ugly, but it tasted great, and amazing too… So, don’t drop your saliva in front of the screen okay…hehe…


yummy yummy~~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Photography competition

JKA organized a photography competition recently. But with this kind of photography skill, I’ll never get a chance to win. Therefore, i give up.

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The most gorgeous girl i ever met… Ajuli!





 Image057DSC07175DSC0722729122010828AkU IcHa (080)Nate and ahpeng with echa

Xtraordinary encounter…

Not long ago, I come upon a few incidents that I’d like to share.

Firstly, the Telekom’s cables are stolen (in front of my house) during Awal Muharam which cause my internet connection to be totally out. Curse the thieves!


Next, a car had rolled 180 degree in front of the traffic light when I was on my way home. Luckily no one hurt, or I’ll have to be the fake paramedic there (just kidding, cuz I’m not brave enough to face blood…).

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My timetable…

Due to my unorganized schedule, I’ve decided to make myself a time table. Here it is:


I pasted it beside my bed and my study table, so that it reminds me to follow the table. But two weeks have passed since the day I make the timetable, instead it didn’t give me any effect. I’m still the lazy ah peng, the one who sleep all the time at home. Haiz… Do you know what motivates me to do the time table, it’s my lousy marks on all the quizzes and test. Sigh~~~

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When I die…

One day when I die, I wish I can be an angel. So that I can guard everyone I love.


Don’t know why, I’m had been pessimistic lately, thinking about life, sickness, or even dead. Honestly, I’m not afraid of dying. But leaving your love one behind is the most miserable thing. Recently, organ donation is among the most popular subjects being reported in the news. Actually, I’m considering of donating my entire organ, so that I can give hope to those who aren’t born healthy, or desperately needed a transplant to save life. (p/s: Still considering) But before I die, I must enjoy my life to the fullest, maximize what I can do. End.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Second attempt of doughnut making…

14 February 2011

Firstly, the material is prepared in order.


Mixed all the material in a large bowl and cover with wet cloth.100_4679

Wait about 30 minutes until it double its size.100_4680

Cut it using donut cutter.100_4681

Fry it!100_4682

Sprinkle it with sugar.100_4690100_4691
