Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Red Crescent Duty

8 May 2010

It's been long time I didn't updated my blog… Well, today I will write something about my First Aid Duty at Sabah Golf and Country Club.

It reminds me for my last duty, I think its way back to year 2008. For some reason, I'm not really good at it (well, I mean even I know the technique for bandaging, CPR and etc, I don't really dare to apply to a real person), haha…

I was called by Tuan Jeff to go for first aid duty, since it was at a Golf Club which I never went to before, I decided to go. It was a sunny day at FIRST, Venessa and me have our breakfast and lunch there, (which taste much nicer than CxxP FxxD). We spend our time just sitting there and I played with some of her Rubik 2x2, 4x4, and 5x5. By the mean time, I noticed a thing, which is 有钱人真是不同.

We stayed there until the end of the game which followed by a real heavy rain. Thank God there is no casualty. But poor me, riding a motorbike during raining cat and dog. Having a nice water splash shower given by those reckless drivers isn't that bad, I guess.

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