Wednesday, May 12, 2010

一代宗师 - 叶问

11 May 2010
I watched IP MAN part 1 and part 2 these two days. In my opinion, it is a great movie and I think I'm falling in love with the superhero that beat up the Twister and made all Chinese proud.

The meaning of learning a Chinese Kungfu not for fighting, but it helps to maintain human character. Yeah, I really admire Him a lot. I even have the spirit to learn Wing Chun.

这两天看了叶问一和二。这部戏实在是太棒了,可以说是拍来让我们更加了解中国人的武术文化和背景。看了这部戏让我很佩服叶问那为中国人争气的精神。 让我有了学詠春拳的冲动。谢谢导演提醒我,让我了解到我们中国人有一位很好,很值得我们学习的祖宗,前辈。绝不向敌人屈服。

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