Thursday, March 25, 2010


24 March 2010

It's been years ago didn't hear from him. Lately he's back to Malaysia and contact me( but I'm too busy to reply him).

Well, wondering who he is? He is my best friend in Penang, we even made promise to meet up each other Christmas 2011 at Sakae Sushi QBM Penang. He is a kind man, and really holy… being with him and other (Staff in SS) really comforting me as they really cares for me just like I'm their lil' sister.

Last, I'm really looking forward to meet them again in one day.

Industrial Training Place…

23 March 2010

Finally, for all the effort and hope, I get a place in such huge company (Binapuri Sdn. Bhd.) which I always longed for. It is the first company that I applied for and I thank God it accept me. . At first I'm kinda worried having no place to undergo my training (which I'm ready to apply other company such Global upline, Kinsabina, Py Concept and etc).

Well, another two to three month till my training Semester. Hopefully I can undergo some tough training in order to improve myself (besides having nice pay).

Come on baby! Train me the way you train the military! I'm ready for it!

Souvenir Treat!

23 March 2010
Lately I received few souvenirs from friends back from neither holiday nor outstation.

First, I want to express gratitude to Nancy, who bought me a Spongebob Keychain (which I really like it) from Kuala Lumpur during her trip for the first aid competition.
Next, also thanks to π "cigar full of chocolate" (quite delicious) and butterfly keychain specially imported from Indonesia.

Actually, I don't really care for the value of all of these souvenirs. The most importantly is that I get the message that my friend do cares for me, remembered me. Well my friends, I loves you guys so much! Muaks!

Outing at McD with 4TheMost!

12 March 2010

After being treated NYNY, KFC, OldTown by other members, it's my turn to spend them a lunch (since I've just got my PTPTN). After discussion, they decided to "claim" their lunch at McD.
After our class, we went to McD centre point. We've ordered 4 McChicken. Having fun eating with them, lot of funny things can be happened around them though (for example?Echa dun even Know how to press out the Kechup, kinda cute rite?).
Hopefully there will be more gathering between us as it is improving our friendship. I Loves echa,CT and Kecik! We are 4 the most!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

RCS Youth Camp 1 2010

21 March 2010

Just back from the camp and slept for 12 hours ( dehydrated for few days). Well, the camp runs overalls well. Finally, after 7 days of restless days and nights, I survived camp (hah, even I'm not the PB). Although many problem occurred during the camp, but it finally ends with no imperfection. Congratulation to the Ketua keseluruhan(EmEm,Ryn,LJL,Katrie), Commandant(Robert), Matron(Jofonnie), M&M(Femy & Neo), Kawalan(Syarifah & Milton), and all of the PB(QD,Sandra) for completing the camp successfully. Not to forget the Ketua kumpulan and all the members joining the camp. All of you have passed the test! The trial! The challenge! And grown to become a leader! Please not to forget what you guys have learned in this camp. Keep bringing members to join the camp in order to activate your school!

Talked about the camp, for me I don't think the camp was prefect enough as it is not strict enough, the obstacle course done in the wrong ways, the food not quality enough, the route for XPDC is not long enough and etc. Hopefully there will be a post mortem after this and discuss matters that happened in order to prevent it to occur in the future.

Congratulation to KK VAD team for winning second place in National Level First aid competition.

There will be a WRCD celebration in June, just hope that I can join the event as well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Solomon Kane!

9 March 2010

Just back from watching this. Well, the movie tells the origins of Solomon Kane and is hoped to be the first of a trilogy of movies. When the story opens Kane is a mercenary of Queen Elizabeth I fighting in Africa, but after an encounter with a demon, The Reaper, he realizes he must seek redemption or have his soul damned to Hell. He returns to England and lives a life of peace, converting to Puritanism, but soon the doings of an evil sorcerer upset his plans and he must take up arms again. Kane is a 16th century soldier who learns that his brutal and cruel actions have damned him but is determined to redeem himself by living peaceably. But he finds himself dragged out of retirement for a fight against evil (copy pasted).
As a review for this movie, it tells me few values which are really remind me how life is. Have to kill a brother which has become servant of demon, felt guilty of killing people and changed… Overall marks, 7 out of 10. (worth watching)

Untitled post which I do not know what to put as title.

7 March 2010

Today, I read my cousin's blog. It pop out with its blog title '忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空'. Suddenly remind me of how harsh I treat him. Yet he didn't do anything wrong.

Why I'm such terrible to him? I know he done nothing wrong, but I keep finding his mistakes. He is just do not know how to spend his money on the right things, do not study seriously (just like me) , shower for too long, expect my grandma(80 years old) to cook for him, and keep borrowing money from her. Other than that, he can be counted as a good boy. (actually there is another thing that confuse me when I saw incantation place around my house which looks like aiming me, wondering who did it[after taking in the possibility of who's the suspect]) For all intents and purposes, I just want him to be good.

Before his arrival ( I mean staying with us), I treat him good because I look at him as my relative. But things change when he came. I think it's my jealousy that brings up the matter ( as I'm the youngest in the family and suddenly there come an outsider disturbing in my 'circle of life'). It burst out and make me insane ( I can't take control of myself thinking how to kena him). But after seeing the blog title, I think I may be tolerant and lenient with him the next moment after I wrote this blog (as I said I don't want to regret anything).


7 March 2010

Everyone will face it! It depends on when people will face it.

I have encountered few nearly incident that almost caused me to death ( I really like to speed with my "husband", ya know why then…). Do you know what it feels like when you're almost dead? You'll see all you past flashing back in your mind (which the TV always told, and it's TRUE). And when you're safe, your whole body will be as weak as you can't stand by yourself. Well, at least that is what I felt.

Death can caused sadness, confuses, disappointment and many more. Why I'm saying this? It's because I started to think what will happened when I'm dead. Will people around felt sad? Will I donate my body part? What will happen to my "property"? Will I die in accident? Will people remember me after few years? What about my study? When I think again seriously, I thought of people came to this world without a thing, then why we worried so much about physical stuff around us?
Actually, there is so many wonderful things that I haven't accomplish in my life. And I don't want to regret and missed on anything. But I just can't control my fate. Even if I ride with care, others still have chances to knock me of as it's not my fault (my probability of bump into an accident is a lil' bit high)(just try to imagine riding a motorcycle everyday in such busy crowded and full of damn ass huge container lorries road).Okay, just in case I die suddenly, please do my funeral as Christian do, and ….(not wanting to write it down as it's too awful to think about that)
In the end, please appreciate what you have now before it's too late.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Environmental Pollution…

4 March 2010

Last Friday (26 February 2010) there is a huge fire occurred in KKIP area. The gigantic flame burnt down two wood making and a tyre factory. The burning emitted numerous hazard smokes into the air and caused haze around the area. Believe it or not, 6 days has passed and I can still smell the aroma (smell of burnt plastic) caused by the burnt tyre factory during my way to the school. Yeah, that's what I called as pollution (pity of my friend who lives in hostel as they have to face the haze for 24 hours).
In the same time, there is also fire at Putatan which caused lotsa people lost their home. Not just that, there is several fire occurred lately everywhere. Well, just think about the smoke emitted caused by the burning (not counted in the open burning by the villagers and etc). Okay, just a review reminding people about things happening around our environment (not really in a mood to write more).

#Picture downloaded

Election for the new Parliament!

3 March 2010

That's mean, voting! Yeah, finally polytechnic is showin' a little democracy in its election for the brand new parliament! I have always wanted a democratic election system (just like back to SM Stella Maris where they applied this kind of system in selecting the head prefect) in polytechnic so that I can complain whatever I have always wanted to complaint. One thing that disappoints me is that there is no Chinese are nominated to represent for the election. It is such a shame for us where we were supposed to be participating actively in those activities. What to do, as we are in Polytechnic, the Bumi conquer the world. United Poly?! I wonder…

Yet, I have a friend who is competing for the general candidate, her name is Hayana. What I have to say about her? A kind person, good friend of mine. Vote for Yanz, yeah!!


2 March 2010

I'm having the worst test ever today. What kinda test?! Exactly, it's my Geotechnic test. I have done suck!! It's my worst performance ever. I never did such awful in my test ever. Well, I'll just have to lets bygone be bygone.

Talked about Geo, I finally realize I didn't learn even a thing from my lecturer after gone through the test conducted this morning. Plus, I didn't study and prepare for this test at all. Have to prepare myself for the horrible consequences. The truth is, why I'm doing suck in it, I must really ask myself (as I'm becoming LAZIER), that's why I have to pay the cost for that.

Conclusion, haiz…


28 February 2010

Yeah, as the title said, I am applying for that. Not a surprise, I didn't get any scholarship as I have applied tonnes of it (JPAN,JPA for Polytechnic and etc) . Probably there are two main reasons, whether I'm too stupid for deserving a scholarship or I'm a CHINESE. I think the second reason would be more reasonable and logic (it will be more realistic if I say I live in Malaysia, ya know what I mean). Since most of my bumiputra friends successfully gets the scholar (even their result 'suckier' then mine), I have a conclusion that living in Malaysia as a non-bumiputra status would be far more difficult compare to those native(well, I mean bumiputra people). Therefore, I have made up my decision that one day, I would migrate to country with non-discriminate political view (if I afford to do so). Bon Voyage, yeah!

Okay, back to my PTPTN application (gone too far already). Actually I have applied it since I was in semester 1, but due to wrong information editing, I screwed it all up! And lately, I finally persuade myself (which needs lotsa' courage) to ask the PTPTN counter located inside the BSN. It ends up by applying for a brand new application (arrrgh…)! The date for the PTPTN officer is still unconfirmed yet (but I have prepared the entire document needed), just pray to God it can be done ASAP. After I get my first payment, I would buy a brand new phone and printer for myself, while returning the remains to YiYi, Chill