Monday, May 9, 2011


9 May 2011


The picture above shows how I felt lately. Even though I’m being pulled into the circle, but still there is something different, some obstacles that separate us away.

Probably God created me as a Loner, so that I can’t fitted into your circle of life, no matter how hard I’m trying to blend into your lifestyle.

Or maybe, I never really matter in your life, just a normal passer-by that appear only few times in your life. Well, maybe it was just my thought, which I felt I’m so meaningless.

Every time I being called to report for duty, I really hope that I can contribute toward something, that everyone think my existence is still a useful thing. But it turned out that, I have no aesthetic value at all. At least that’s what I felt.

Sometimes I have a very strong desire to quit, as I do not want to face all those political thingy, hatred, gossips, betrayal and etc. But I just can’t say no toward the one who trained me, and shaped me into where I am now.

Last but not least, I’ll keep trying to blend into the circle where I’m pulled into as hard as I can and try my best to contribute my skills, even I have zero aesthetic value at all being inside the circle.



Anonymous said...

maybe you have someone you don't like or not get along with in that particular group?

Faith Jasper Loh said...

Firstly, thanks for the comment. I always thought nobody read my blog... But your feedback is a good encouragement for me to write more...
Nope, every one is kind and good... It just that I can't find myself getting along with them...
As i said before, some unseen obstacle is preventing me from blending in...
For example:Thay are talking about a joke, but somehow I don't find it interesting...Just give a fake laugh as a feedback... Don't you ever get in the same position?

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