Saturday, May 14, 2011

First time….

14 May 2011

Actually I wanted to post some of my thought yesterday, but due to error of blogger yesterday, I’ll have to share all my thought in one shoot.

Well, I’ve been through a lot of  ‘first time’ this week.

Dye my hair for the first time, work as a part timer for the first time, teaching primary kids for the first time(forget to mention it’s karate), joining JPAM for the first time.

Well, I’ll talk about my hair in the beginning. It’s been always be my dream, or I can called it as uncompleted wish since I graduated from secondary. So I decided to give it a try, a smart changes on my image. It’s brown btw…Photo0430

So, I met Shirly, my ex-student(konon jak,last time trained her). She introduced me the part time job and be my mentor for that day. She’s nice, as she stayed beside me all the time( well, i’m afraid of stranger). in the end, I earned my first money after these years of being 寄生虫, although it’s only Rm3/hour.

Teaching primary kids karate would be a memory I’ll never forget. They are too…..cute to be scold…nor too naughty to be trained? Bingung sudah bahasa…. Well, overall, a great experience.

JPAM, jabatan pertahanan awam malaysia. I joined it because i can get allowance while learning. Today is the first day, we went through basic march, physical training and some intro….It’s a nice beginning and I hope I can do well in it…!229040_204034372968331_109287769109659_514181_7813878_n

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