Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3- D at Sabah!

25 May 2010

Finally, I finish my entire exam. It's been a suffering week for me having my brain pack with those engineering stuff. At last, I get to relax or pamper myself with watching the Shrek in 3D.
My brother treats me the ticket while I treat him back with the popcorn. It started with us bein' given a special glass. It was an amazing experience watching movie with such visual effect. I remembered that there is a scene where the thing (ball,axe) is actually comin' out from the screen, and it is so real! I wonder how they did it, man. I'm so damn lov'em, and will always remembered this film, SHREK FOREVER AFTER!

What I wanted to be…

When I looked into friend of mine which has gained their ticket to the path of success, I felt ashamed, and useless.

Recently I checked out some of my friend's profile in FB. Some of them already done their A-level, head to Russia for Medic, Petronas for Engineering, Japan, German, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan and etc, while I'm still in KK, my little hometown, doing nothing but stupid diploma in lousy institution, and yet can't score a better mark. What the hell is going on?

I'm 20 this year, and yet achieved nothing. Am I that really useless? I really don't know. Counting on the skills I have, I think I'm the famous Jack, master of none. I don't even active in co-curriculum.

I have ambition, dream which I listed the main three: ARCHITECT, ENGINEER and LECTURER. But can I be one of it? When I looked into the mirror and asked myself, are you really qualified with the effort that you've made? I guess the answer is no.

Architect, I have to admit that I have no Da Vinci's artistic cell in my body. I don't really draw, neither imaginative thought. Engineer, I think I can be one, if I put enough effort on it. Lecturer, I can be one I if I really want to, but can I be a GOOD one?

I'll give myself another 6 years (2016) to prove whether I can be what I wanted to be or not.

Donnie Yen

22 May 2010

Today, I found the official site for my idol actor, Donnie Yen. I read almost everything in the site and knew about Him better. His journey toward star which he took the road less travelled does really inspired me, to become what I wanted to be. I even planned to write a fans letter to him. But I guess my letter will not have a chance to be spot by Him as he is a star, man. Do I expect to be replied by Him? Hah…


22 May 2010

Two paper left till I finish the overall exam in this semester. Well, I really hope it turn out good.

What can I say about the other five papers I've taken? I think I've done pretty well in geo n Babi, but not in road engineering, occupational safety and health, and also my contract procedure. There is one weird thing which my CE for occupational safety and health is extremely low, which I guess I'm the lowest as the other even the retarded get the highest mark, WTF?! I'm sure the lecturer (which never really teaches or enters the class) is indolent and randomly put our point. I will remember him forever for what he had done to me, ever.

And for definite, my pointer is going to drop drastically this semester.

It is not important anymore…

13 May 2010

Today, I finally realized a thing, that the family relativity bond of mine is not important anymore. I am now having no relatives. Uncle, aunt nor cousins aren't part of my life anymore. I am now standing by my own, having just two big brothers, dad and mom, that all. So I have no worried to live my own life without annoyed somebody out of nowhere. And I swear here, one day when I success, I won't turn my head back and look at those who ever hurt me, backstab me.

In the same day, I also realized that when you are in trouble, nobody is willing to give you a helping hand, not even a friend that you once called he or she your best. Everyone is selfish. And I am so disappointed with them. Why? But after this incident, I also swear here, that I will never help them, whenever they asked for my help. When I success, I will not look back and show my empathy toward them.

All of you just watch, wait and see… I'll proved to you one day, I am not a weak duckling as you guys once thought of.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

一代宗师 - 叶问

11 May 2010
I watched IP MAN part 1 and part 2 these two days. In my opinion, it is a great movie and I think I'm falling in love with the superhero that beat up the Twister and made all Chinese proud.

The meaning of learning a Chinese Kungfu not for fighting, but it helps to maintain human character. Yeah, I really admire Him a lot. I even have the spirit to learn Wing Chun.

这两天看了叶问一和二。这部戏实在是太棒了,可以说是拍来让我们更加了解中国人的武术文化和背景。看了这部戏让我很佩服叶问那为中国人争气的精神。 让我有了学詠春拳的冲动。谢谢导演提醒我,让我了解到我们中国人有一位很好,很值得我们学习的祖宗,前辈。绝不向敌人屈服。


9 May 2010






五月 八号 二零一零年

原来好朋友不只可有一个。 想起了以前的我,就因执着于自己所谓的好朋友定义而失去了太多的好朋友了。她,叫贞菱,是我小学要好的朋友。但是,我的执迷不悟让我失去了一个关心我的,聆听我的知己。我错了,对不起,请你原谅我。



9 May 2010

On 7 May, the mighty group of '4 the most 'have their craziest outing again which located at 1 Borneo.

We begin with eating at Rasamas (Ninah's turn to spend us). Then we went to play some arcade basketball (which I win the most) and crazy table hockey. Next followed by singing at K-box. I played a pool game with farina and I won! Haha… the outing end with Farina buying McD, all of us eating Giant Ice-cream. Although the period of our outing is short, but we enjoyed it a lot. Thanks again, 4 the most.

On the same day, I think I saw my buddy, Christy and her friend on their way going to the PC fair. She is gorgeous, all I would say is 'all the best dude'.

DICE Dka Jan 09

9 May 2010

Lately, I really felt the relationship between my course mate and me is getting stronger. The sweet, sour, bitter, spicyness of our class is shared.

For the sake of that, Echa formed a group of us in FB, in order for us to share our sweet memories of campus life.

Final Exam…

9 May 2010

My final exam is coming, and because of that, I couldn't update more about myself.

I knew my Continuous Evaluation is "terrible", I will try hard scoring in my final.

Contract procedure, construction & material, geotechnical, hydraulic, road and transportation engineering, structure mechanic, occupational safety… Wait for me, I'll try my best to conquer you guys!

Curiosity VS Virginity

8 May 2010

Recently, there is a shocking truth happened around me. A friend of mine accidently produced a BB and getting married because of that.

It really wonder me how and in what circumstances they are dare to try doing the 'thingy'(probably I'm too sensitive).

But in my opinion, we should save the best for the last. Ya know what I mean… End…

Red Crescent Duty

8 May 2010

It's been long time I didn't updated my blog… Well, today I will write something about my First Aid Duty at Sabah Golf and Country Club.

It reminds me for my last duty, I think its way back to year 2008. For some reason, I'm not really good at it (well, I mean even I know the technique for bandaging, CPR and etc, I don't really dare to apply to a real person), haha…

I was called by Tuan Jeff to go for first aid duty, since it was at a Golf Club which I never went to before, I decided to go. It was a sunny day at FIRST, Venessa and me have our breakfast and lunch there, (which taste much nicer than CxxP FxxD). We spend our time just sitting there and I played with some of her Rubik 2x2, 4x4, and 5x5. By the mean time, I noticed a thing, which is 有钱人真是不同.

We stayed there until the end of the game which followed by a real heavy rain. Thank God there is no casualty. But poor me, riding a motorbike during raining cat and dog. Having a nice water splash shower given by those reckless drivers isn't that bad, I guess.