Sunday, October 27, 2013




Friday, October 4, 2013


3 Oct 13

Today is a sad day. An undesirable accident happened at my construction site. Two worker are being hit by the lightning and one of them died.

The accident happened around 3pm as it was going to rain. But there are thunders and lightning everywhere. The lighning hit the tower crane hoisting chain which attached to a concrete bucket. Concreting work is on going, and the victims was holding the bucket trying to adjust the bucket for concrete pouring. They collapsed immediately.

They are brought to GF, and Rifdie, Jimmy, Chong, Iskandar was trying to help by giving him cpr. He breathed, but after 10 minutes, the breathing stopped. They cant affort to save him.

It is the first time I saw such accident, and hoped it will be the last.

Life is too fragile, and unexpected.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jouney to Greatness

12 September 2013
Greatness. What greatness mean to you? Or what success mean to you?
I remembered during the Journey to Greatness trip organized by PPC at February this year, we were being asked. In my opinion, Greatness is not define only by ourself, by also by other.

And today, I felt that archieved a little success. At least someone sees me, and what I'm capable off. Well, it is so suprise that with less than 2 years of working experience, people started to 'digging' me. I believe opprotunity will get to us, if we are serious in whatever we do. Just stay focus, importantly,将心比心,which mean treat other like what you want other to treat you.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Aim of Life

10 September 2013

Few day ago, my brother asked me a question. What is my aim of life? What is my main target of life? This question has been wondering in my mind since the day. I keep asking myself again and again. But I can't find the answer.
Until yesterday, I read an article regarding a soldier dad helping his wife delivery their own baby. I can feel how touching it is the moment, the precious moment of holding the baby in thier hand.


Imagine how beautiful God's creation it is. And I guess that the feeling that most of us were looking for. A feeling of HOME.
I always thought by getting a degree, I will have a better life, better future. But after chasing and chasing, running and running, what do we have in the end? Can the degree guaranteed me a HOME? I bet it can give me the HOUSE, but can the HOUSE feels like HOME?
Sometime, I felt loneliness. I have a house, a room here. But I can't remember how warmth a home is, as I worked late night everyday, trying so hard to forget how cold my room was, when I'm back from work. 
Anyway, I will continues to complete my degree, but in the meantime enjoying my precious youth time.

My Great Superior...

10 September 2013
Again, it's been long long time since i abandoned this blog. Today i want to blog about my boss, my technical manager Mr. Lam JS.
He has been my boss since the first day of my work. I can still clearly remember how scared i am when i saw him for the first time at Intergra tower, on 3rd of Jan 2012. Today, I'm am still very afraid of him. Not because he is fierceful, but fear out of respect.
Without realizing, time passed by quickly. It's been 1 year and 8 months, I'm glad and pround to have him as my boss.
He is a very COOL and IMPRESSIONLESS guy. Normally, we will not see any impression on his face when it is working hours. But throughout these years, i knew that he was helping me all the way, from developing my skill, and fight for my promotion and increment.
11 September 2013 will be his last working day. Somehow, I felt fearful and loneliness. Feared that I'll be going through my journey alone, while there's nobody else can see my potential.
Lastly, all the best to him for his brand new future. We shall meet soon.


Monday, May 13, 2013




Tuesday, April 23, 2013


23 April 2013


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


9 April 2013

It feels great, really great to reach IT within a year. All the hardship pay off, it did pay off. Of all 400 over staff, i made it, still unbelievable...
I have started working at this company as an ASSISTANT SITE ENGINEER since 3 JAN 2012, within a year i have proofed to my superior that i am capable of doing it. Remember back last year where i am still a newbies, knowing nothing about construction. In just a year, i learnt so much from PPCSB. Thanks for giving me the opportunity. Thanks for having faith in me. Thanks for seeing me. It means a lot to me.
Although throughout these days there are tonnes of obstacle, in which almost take me down, but i will always hold on, and be myself.

I Swear i am gonna be sombody one day!

Lastly, thank God for being with me.

Friday, March 29, 2013


29 MARCH 2013

Chain of command, where i learned it in year 2005, and thanked God i learned it earlier.
Today there is one workplace, the person i trusted, disobeyed the rule of the chain.
Instead of reporting to her immediate superior, she directly jump two line forward.
I do not want to judge, but as a outsider, it seem really rude, where people would think the superior is not good enough to solve problems.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

An Assistant Site Engineer

19 April 2013
Today, i have completed my very first Inpection with clerk of work. It might be nothing to them, but for me, i felt the sense of accomplishment, and it feels real good. Being a project team isn't as easy as i have thought. I have to manage the sub contractor, monitor their work, go for inspection. But i will learn, learn how to be a great Assistant engineer.  :-)



在这一个月里,我要好好规划我的人生目标,and FOCUS ON IT!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


28 Feb 2013
Today, i found my diary of year 2009. As i read through it, i discovered that time passed by so fast. It's been 5 years since i last wrote in that little book of secret. Going through the contents, i realized that i have gone through few stupid and silly things.
Well, i wrote about my return, red crescent, friends, family, and most importantly, my Dream. I have put quite some times thinking on this issue. What would i want to be actually? What i target to be when i am 25? Or 30? As i worked throughout the year 2013, i slowly discovered that i am getting numb toward my work. Everyday i am doing the same things over and over again. My executive chairman always said, it is either you have 20 years of experience, or you just have 1 year of experience multiply by 20. Seriousely, i definitely do not want to be in the second option.
My dream is simple. I wanted to become somebody. How many 10 years i would experience in my life? 5? 6? Or 8? My terms of success might be different from other. But surely i wouldn't want to end up becoming nobody for forever.
Today, i might be nobody, as small as an ant. Indeed i am. But i have taken the road least travelled, and put my best foot forward. Someday i will be what  i wanted to be.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


18 FEBRUARY 2013
Mr. LEE, our scaffolding sub contractor passed away few days ago...
How fragile a human being is, just a few weeks ago i sat beside him in our weekly 5 S meeting, and now he is gone forever...

CNY 2012


One step nearer to dream...

16 February 2013
Today is the first day of my school...and a step approaching my dream...
I have always envy with my friends, where they have almost completed their degree while i am still struggle to get entry to my degree apllication..
Sometimes it made me wonder, am i made a wrong decision for choosing politeknik..? But after going through the 3 years diploma study, I would say that i am not regreting it... Through poli i learned so much... So much more that anyone can imagine..
By the way, it feels great to be school again.
I would do whatever it takes to complete the programme...4 YEARS AND HALF WORTH!

Coolest birthday gift ever...!

2 February 2013
I'm officially 23rd years old. Today, I received the coolest birthday gift from kuya... Thanks for the TGIF and the X-MINI... I really love it...