Monday, September 9, 2013

My Great Superior...

10 September 2013
Again, it's been long long time since i abandoned this blog. Today i want to blog about my boss, my technical manager Mr. Lam JS.
He has been my boss since the first day of my work. I can still clearly remember how scared i am when i saw him for the first time at Intergra tower, on 3rd of Jan 2012. Today, I'm am still very afraid of him. Not because he is fierceful, but fear out of respect.
Without realizing, time passed by quickly. It's been 1 year and 8 months, I'm glad and pround to have him as my boss.
He is a very COOL and IMPRESSIONLESS guy. Normally, we will not see any impression on his face when it is working hours. But throughout these years, i knew that he was helping me all the way, from developing my skill, and fight for my promotion and increment.
11 September 2013 will be his last working day. Somehow, I felt fearful and loneliness. Feared that I'll be going through my journey alone, while there's nobody else can see my potential.
Lastly, all the best to him for his brand new future. We shall meet soon.


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