Monday, September 9, 2013

Aim of Life

10 September 2013

Few day ago, my brother asked me a question. What is my aim of life? What is my main target of life? This question has been wondering in my mind since the day. I keep asking myself again and again. But I can't find the answer.
Until yesterday, I read an article regarding a soldier dad helping his wife delivery their own baby. I can feel how touching it is the moment, the precious moment of holding the baby in thier hand.


Imagine how beautiful God's creation it is. And I guess that the feeling that most of us were looking for. A feeling of HOME.
I always thought by getting a degree, I will have a better life, better future. But after chasing and chasing, running and running, what do we have in the end? Can the degree guaranteed me a HOME? I bet it can give me the HOUSE, but can the HOUSE feels like HOME?
Sometime, I felt loneliness. I have a house, a room here. But I can't remember how warmth a home is, as I worked late night everyday, trying so hard to forget how cold my room was, when I'm back from work. 
Anyway, I will continues to complete my degree, but in the meantime enjoying my precious youth time.

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