Sunday, July 31, 2011

Journey of my karate…

1 August 2011

Another 1 week to 1 year anniversary of my path toward a great master of karate.

Learning karate is like boiling water. The word from sensei during my first class.

It’s been a year, I still in my shitty yellow belt. It’s frustrated!

9 August 2010, the first karate class I attended, with all of my passion, hoping to master all the deadly skill that I saw on the TV. But, days by days, months by months… I found out that I’m suck in it. Know why? Caused it took me total of SIX months to upgrade from white to yellow, and after holding yellow belt for another SIX months, here I am, a yellow belt karateka…. I felt like a total loser, watching all those kid with lousy basic upgrade even thousand times faster than me, watching my friend whose going to Canada gets to do her upgrade early, following kid to do warm up during class. Yeah, it feels suck, as I can’t be good at anything….

Yeah, my sensei always telling me that the colour of your belt is not as important as your basic, blab la bla…. But you know what, it represented all my effort in it. It’s just like some kind of appreciation, that keeps me passionate in it. It’s been a year, why? Am I so terrible enough that I don’t deserve it? Or going to dojo 3 times a week speeding from Menggatal to Luyang during night, is not really quite enough? Or, it’s all about money? Why you keep holding me from doing my upgrade? Please be fair to me, feels how I feel sawing the kid with lousy stances upgrades 10 times faster than me… I just needed a chance to prove myself… I just wanna achieved my best before going to work…

I’m tired, I’m frustrated, I’m sad, I felt like a loser, I think I might stating to lose my interest and passionate toward your class… Sorry to say so…


1 comment:

Marianne said...

Actually, speeding belts isn't really that fun..for me though. If you get on higher belts, You'll have to learn a lot (A LOT) of katas, stunts, and many many la...It was tired.And it'll be good to master all the basics and stuns when you're still a junior, that way it'll be more easier when you in senior me, I'm purple-brown now and I still suck in my basics 0.0

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