Thursday, July 21, 2011

Final Project…. Final Semester… Final Countdown…

21 July 2011


Yesterday was the day of convocation for my senior. Well, after struggled for 3 years, they made it finally. Looking at them wearing the robe waiting for their turn to receive that piece of paper, Medal of Honor, my jealousy starting to burst like the leaking main water pipe…. How I wish I was one of them… Each of them, wearing a huge smile on the face, holding flower with the graduation little bear, photographing with whole family… Can I really be one of them someday? I wondered…

This semester has been a tough semester for me as I’m struggling for my final project also to maintain my CGPA, while my Academic advisor advised me to join actively in any other co-curriculum activities, grabbing for certificates to qualify me for the top honor medal. We’ll see how things go on…

This semester, is also a final countdown for me to hanging out with my dearest friends. I’m really grateful as I met a bunch of great, awesome friends here. So, a reminder to myself to treat them as nice as possible.

I love DKA A! Thanks for accompanying me go through my tough years!

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