Thursday, September 13, 2012

Greatest HOP!

7 June 2012


It’s September, nine months passed since i arrived here KL.

When i was first transferred to Z residence mid of March, I’m kind of worried. Worrying how I’m going survives these two years, what i will actually do at a construction site.

Everything changed when i met i him, Mr Cho, my Head of Project and my sensei. He’s the one who raised my morale, my spirit to work and learn. I wasn’t taught how to read a plan at school, wasn’t taught about PAM 2006. At here,  nobody would exactly see my existence. I am nothing, nobody, worthless. But he sees me, he knew what I’m capable of, and he taught me a lot of things. I’d stay for overtime everyday, as i knew I'm getting some precious knowledge from him.

Unfortunately, not long after i met him, he got a better job offer and had to leave. Oh, how i wished i can follow him. Now, my input is getting lesser and lesser.

Anyway, he’ll stay as the greatest HOP in my mind. Now, and forever.


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