Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012 Resolution

3 February 2012

It’s February of 2012, and I’ve been here alone for 1 month. Living here alone is not as easy as I think it would. I missed my home, my friends, my family, the smell of my pillow, and everything at Sabah.

This year, is the beginning of my journey to become and engineer. Instead of being a real engineer, I was given a position of an ASSISTANT for an engineer. So, being stuck at this position is not really a good thing, that’s why I wanted to further my study once I’ve a chance.

Working at site is totally a different world, from what I’ve imagined. It is almost the same as my practical, but at here, there’s no muddy soil but lot of concrete dust. I was based at Intermark, under an assistant site agent. Here at Integra, I’ve met a lot of new friends, and colleagues. Then there’s an aunt who works as a site foreman, became my closest friend, just like my mak angkat.

I do not know, whether I’ll be enjoying my work here. But one thing for sure, I’ll try my best to survive, just like the cockroach.

There’s a supervisor at my practical place once said, do not care about how much u have to do, or even have to worked overtime, because it’s one of the process of learning. And importantly, I learned more than other people.

This year, I’m gonna make a lot of money. I want learn more, get more experiences. May God be with me.Photo1814

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