Sunday, November 13, 2011

Asshole with a fake lamb skin!

13 November 2011

Today, I encounter an asshole! Why, because that asshole only know how to critic and comment on other.

There’s a Chinese proverb 披着羊皮的狼 mean a wolf with a fake lamb skin. Why I’d say so, because this person is so damn asshole, whenever there’s activities, they’d only show up face a certain time, criticizing on how people do their job. If you’re so terror aka mighty, then why aren’t you do the thing yourself asshole!

You, asshole never showed up your asshole face, I hate you asshole! I hate you so much until I wanted to curse you so badly! You asshole, watch out before criticizing other, or people won’t help you in anything anymore asshole!


Car accident

13 November 2011

Few days ago I had a car accident where I’m being hit by a car in front of Likas Mosque roundabout. It happens when I’m on my way back to home. Then suddenly a stupid driver who doesn’t know the rules hit me. Damn! She didn’t apologize instead, claiming that she’s not wrong blablabla. So the next day I went to the police station wanting to make a report. After waited for few hours for the girl with her mom(and another wearing police uniform bodyguard) came. But rule is sill a rule, I won and they have to admit that the girl is wrong and compensate me.

I really thank God that I have no serious injury after all (at first I thought my finger broken, but nay….). Moral of the story, no matter how careful you are there’s always asshole on the road!


Bruises on my leg….

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heart disease

8 November 2011

Recently I think I starting to have the symptom of heart palpitation. Sometime it last for seconds to minutes.

I’m not aware to this until I heard someone said that most heart disease patient do not know they have heart problem as the pain aren’t in the heart area but other. He said that the patient started to sweat and nervous before the attack.

I think it hit me when I heard what he said. So, is it normal to have palpitation while I’m in the relaxing condition? It’s like I can hear my own heartbeat.. Hopefully nothing bad happen because my dreams haven’t been realize yet. untitled

Final year, final semester, final exam…

8 November 2011

Time passed by so fast. Next week will be my final exam.

It’s been three years, six semesters. Throughout these years, I’ve learned a lot from my friend, about love, friendship, companionship, relationship and etc. It suddenly saddens me when I found out all of these will be over after out final exam. I will no longer see them in the future, most probably.

This parting makes me reminisced my primary graduation, the feeling is almost the same. I knew time pass by won’t come back, I knew it! I’ve grown up to be an adult, where I no longer entitle to receive any 儿童节恩物. No more childhood fun time.

I’ll do my best for this exam, for the very last time.

Bon voyage my friends!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Working holiday at New Zealand

4 November 2011

Recently I read a blog regarding to this working holiday scheme between Malaysia and New Zealand in the blog.

I’ve always wanted to travel there, wondering how it’d look like being in other country. Probably it’ll be one of my aim in future.

There is a famous proverb in Malay saying that “Hujan Emas di Negeri Orang, Hujan Batu di Negeri Sendiri, Lebih Baik di Negeri Sendiri”.

Well, I’ll have to give it a try, New Zealand, wait for me!
