Saturday, August 6, 2011

I”m tired of being a mannequin…

6 August 2011

For all these years, I have been a dumbass! Yeah, I’m just a mannequin for them, a thing which without feeling and let you guys use as much as you want, whatever you want to do with. I know, I realize, I’m just a dog…in your eyes…

Although I’m part of your group, but I don’t feels like I’m part of you guys. Because I’m just a tools, for you to achieve you purpose. All the things that I’ve done seem to be not appreciated by you guys. I’m just a loser….. Yeah….

In a conclusion, I’m tired… I’m sick of being your tools, mannequin… Letting you do whatever you want… Because whatever I do, I’m still an outsider… I’m quitting…




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