Sunday, July 31, 2011


1 August 2011

Last week, someone taught me important lesson about time.

He said, it’s the priority that plays the role in time management.

For example, today have 2 different tasks. A task with important input, while the other without any of them. Which one would you respond to? Yes, of course the one with the input right…. That’s the trick here. So, it all depend on how important the thing, and how you concern about it.

That is why, when he called me for duty, he’ll always say nothing until the minute I met him. Until I realize the priority which of which. Well, I had enough of it….because I have something much more important currently. I’m in my final semester, of course I wouldn’t want to spoil my pointer just because of reporting to your duty. Please be understanding before throwing your harsh word toward me.

It’s been 7 years, but still I’m being scolded for not doing thing that he wants me to do. Sometimes I do wonder why other are not called to supervise the renovation thingy while we are in the same boat? Yeah, we have our own role to plays. This should be the answer. Sometimes I wonder why there is someone so willing to sacrifice his time doing thing that doesn’t gives physical reward? Well, there’s always a reason behind this. It’s just that I haven’t fully understand the concept and meaning underlay in it, or, I just have to do it because someone gonna chase my butt if I won’t do it. But, I believe God sees I’m doing good deed, at least.

Therefore, my time management have my own priority and I really hoped that someone can understand me, giving me the support I need. Not with all the shouting in the phone thing, as it hurt my feeling, please noted that I’m also a homosapien.time-commitments-1678

Journey of my karate…

1 August 2011

Another 1 week to 1 year anniversary of my path toward a great master of karate.

Learning karate is like boiling water. The word from sensei during my first class.

It’s been a year, I still in my shitty yellow belt. It’s frustrated!

9 August 2010, the first karate class I attended, with all of my passion, hoping to master all the deadly skill that I saw on the TV. But, days by days, months by months… I found out that I’m suck in it. Know why? Caused it took me total of SIX months to upgrade from white to yellow, and after holding yellow belt for another SIX months, here I am, a yellow belt karateka…. I felt like a total loser, watching all those kid with lousy basic upgrade even thousand times faster than me, watching my friend whose going to Canada gets to do her upgrade early, following kid to do warm up during class. Yeah, it feels suck, as I can’t be good at anything….

Yeah, my sensei always telling me that the colour of your belt is not as important as your basic, blab la bla…. But you know what, it represented all my effort in it. It’s just like some kind of appreciation, that keeps me passionate in it. It’s been a year, why? Am I so terrible enough that I don’t deserve it? Or going to dojo 3 times a week speeding from Menggatal to Luyang during night, is not really quite enough? Or, it’s all about money? Why you keep holding me from doing my upgrade? Please be fair to me, feels how I feel sawing the kid with lousy stances upgrades 10 times faster than me… I just needed a chance to prove myself… I just wanna achieved my best before going to work…

I’m tired, I’m frustrated, I’m sad, I felt like a loser, I think I might stating to lose my interest and passionate toward your class… Sorry to say so…


Thursday, July 21, 2011

7K Sutera Sunset Charity Run!!!

21 July 2011

Ran the sutera sunset run with my master shifu and em-em.


Here’s the T-shirt… Before we go for our run…. We’re called by the head of troop to help out with this renovation thingy…Photo0741

Aerobic and photographing before we starting to run….Photo0752

Made it before the time end… Gained nothing but valuable experience with master and friends!Photo0763Photo0765Photo0766

And ofcourse this little tiny yellow so called lucky draw ticket….


Put our oath on the next game…PAINTBALL!! PAIN=BALL…. Lolz!

Thanks master shifu for the encouraging and motivational words…

You’re always here whenever I’m in damn shitty situation…….and recharged me…. haha!

Bulan Sabit Merah KKCC!

21 July 2011

Finally, after been through a lot of obstacles, we are here again… Standing straight!


Yeah, I’ve been dedicating myself to this, since i was in form 2…

7 years, not a long year, nor a short year… But, I’ve been growing together with it… Suspended, reformation of committee, until we have total control of our own chapter. Thanks to the members, who always gives the fullest cooperation. We’ve gone through shitty things, I believe, nothing can be worst that shit.

Here we are, standing straight!

Final Project…. Final Semester… Final Countdown…

21 July 2011


Yesterday was the day of convocation for my senior. Well, after struggled for 3 years, they made it finally. Looking at them wearing the robe waiting for their turn to receive that piece of paper, Medal of Honor, my jealousy starting to burst like the leaking main water pipe…. How I wish I was one of them… Each of them, wearing a huge smile on the face, holding flower with the graduation little bear, photographing with whole family… Can I really be one of them someday? I wondered…

This semester has been a tough semester for me as I’m struggling for my final project also to maintain my CGPA, while my Academic advisor advised me to join actively in any other co-curriculum activities, grabbing for certificates to qualify me for the top honor medal. We’ll see how things go on…

This semester, is also a final countdown for me to hanging out with my dearest friends. I’m really grateful as I met a bunch of great, awesome friends here. So, a reminder to myself to treat them as nice as possible.

I love DKA A! Thanks for accompanying me go through my tough years!