Saturday, June 26, 2010

Training at Binapuri…

25 June 2010

Five days passed since the day I reported myself to the company which selected me as their trainee, together with me, Wani and Mahfuz. We were briefed by the Project manager, Mr Tan ( a man with great leadership and enthusiasm) and assigned to be a HENCHMAN to Mr Yap (Arch. Coordinator, he's complete of experiences ), Mr Zai (Engineer, the cool one) and Mr Kelvin (Supervisor, the cute and passionate).

We were taught a few basic things such as plan reading, site visiting, and paperwork by our senior trainee, Dave. In these five days, I learned that civil engineering that I've learned in school ain't the same things in site, and I've got so much to learn. The people there is really friendly, and enthusiastic in teaching us, even the PM is great both skills and attitude. And I knew that I'll be having a wonderful training there for total of 22 weeks of my practical. Binapuri, thanks for giving me the chances! I will try to put my best foot forward in everything and learn as much as I can.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Practical Training

20 June 2010

Tomorrow will be the day I report myself to my training company. All kind of felling is mixing around inside me: nervous, excited, happy, worried and etc. Hopefully there will be a great start for me in my brand new semester. I love Training, I love Money, I love Binapuri.

Grandma’s 81st Birthday

18 June 2010

Today is grandma's birthday, we were invited to her celebration at a veggie's restaurant. Many of my relative came, such as: my uncles, aunts, brother, cousins, long-distance relatives.

It begins with eating, honestly I'm kind of bored eating those fake meat. After the eating, the cake cutting ceremony began.

My brother borrow a DSLR from his friend, but unfortunately it broken (not really sure who broke it). Pity bro…

Overall, I don't think the gathering is happy as I see many fake emotions, which I definitely don't like it. And I don't think my grandma is happy enough as they care her only in certain time, and kicking her around like a ball when she is not needed.

Trip to Kundasang with

17 June 2010

It's been almost 4 years since the last trip to Kundasang with MRC members. The purpose of the 2 days 1 night trip is to reward all the hard work that the Pengurus Bahagian contribute along the World Red Cross Day held in Keningau.

Everyone gathered at Cawangan early in the morning readily pack with their stuff and waiting for the Big Boss to arrive. We went there by van, which fit everyone in. Before we reach our destination, we dropped by at Tamparuli to make a little shopping. After checking in to the Fairy garden resort, we went to Desa cow farm, which wholly owned by Canon. After the visit, we had our lunch at Ranau town. At night, we went to Perkasa hotel as usual, karaok-ing, playing darts and pools. Ryn conquer the singing part as he sings mostly (I think so).

We went to Kinabalu Park and had our morning walk around the park, followed by heading to Poring. After reaching poring hot spring, we went to the cool pool playing with water. There is one interesting part I mustn't forget which we played the slider together. Canon act as dam to collects water, when the water is full, we all slide down crazily. Then we went to soak up our feet with that extremely hot water.

This trip really makes me understand more about the school leader, and it is really bonding us together. Last but not least, congratulation to you guys for completing such great job!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Semester 3 Result

14 June 2010

Today is the day our semester 3 result announced. I felt nervous and excited early in the morning as I was wondering what kind of result I was getting (since I never really studied seriously).
I went out about afternoon to Lintas with my little cousin where there is WI-FI in order for me to online. The first thing to surf is my result for sure. I never really watched the result when it pops-up until my cousin asked me to do so. It really surprised me as my result wasn't bad at all. I really wanted to thank God for this as I was expecting my Occupational Safety and Health getting a B. Hah… Kind'a shocked… Thank God. Thanks to my bro(for preparing such lovely home and sweet environment for study). Thanks to my friend for sharing their knowledge. Thanks to my parents for their praying.
Here's my result:

Monday, June 14, 2010

WRCD Keningau 2010

13 June 2010

Finally, after 5 days 4 nights staying at Keningau, my mission as Head of Parade accomplished. It ended up quite well, but not as good as I thought of.

I went there dawn of 9th, with other officers. It is quite a hard journey as it rains cat and dog when we're half way there. We have some rehearsal on 10th and 11th with the entire contingents. It is quite sad that KK not able to send out a contingent. But anyway, congratulation to the PC team getting some trophy back for KK. It is quite surprised that a friend, Syaripuddin which I met few years back remembered me.

Our chapter did a few yell, there is one which really get my attention sound like this with the tune of Doreamon's song : Pada suatu hari, Nobita jalan-jalan, dia terjumpa satu makluk biru-biru. Badannya bulat-bulat, suka makan kuih donut, dia terlompat apabila nampak tikus. Nobita ketawa dan terus bertanya: Eh, kamu takut tikus kah? Ang, ang, ang, nama makluk tersebut Dorae-ma-mnn.

Last but not least, congratulation to Keningau for organizing such event, PB and members who really did great, Camp Committee and most importantly, Tuan Jeffrey for leading us to Keningau.


8 June 2010

It's been a very long time I didn't blog. Today is the day where I depart to Keningau for WRCD. Well, I felt that I need to release a lil' bit of my tension here.

Few days ago, I met all of my MRC friends which flew back here in KK. I have this weird feeling, which there is a gap between us. And it looks like me myself didn't fit in their group. Or maybe I'm just a weirdo for them. It really saddens me as I thought we're friend. I don't really want the same things happened to me just like three years ago. Being an anti-biotic isn't felt good though.

I think I'll be updating many gossips after coming back from Keningau. Till then, chill…